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Cyornis flycatcher from Kaeng Krachan, Thailand (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi all, took these photos of a female Cyornis from near Kaeng Krachan at around 250m elevation, don't have any recordings of this bird unfortunately. Would appreciate any help in identifying this bird!

There was also an adult and subadult male Indochinese Blue Flycatcher hanging around/singing in the same area.

Thanks in advance


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    female 2.png
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Maybe a female Chinese Blue? It's relatively brightly-coloured, with rufous tones on the forehead and wings. The orange wash on the breast doesn't continue down to the belly and there isn't the clean division between cheek and throat that I'd expect to see in Hill Blue. In a couple of the images, the throat looks contrastingly paler than the breast, and the brown wash on the flanks also fits. I'm not sure I can rule out Hainan Blue completely, but that species tends to be duller and less contrasting than this.
Thanks for the inputs! Good points, seems like Chinese Blue Flycatcher is the most probable option here (looking at eBird Indochinese Blue and Chinese Blue seem to be more common in the area too).
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