Jane cyprus
Active member
The Cyprus Bird Report 2021 is now available. The report contains 50 colour photos, the 2021 Systematic List of 294 observed species or recognised forms which was compiled from over 55,300 records and the 2021 Ringing report. Also in the publication are several short papers and notes, including a review of the BirdLife Cyprus monitoring schemes; the first Cyprus record of an African Desert Warbler; a paper on Cyprus Wheatear behaviour; a paper on divergence in island and mainland populations. The Report includes species charts and tables and a full Cyprus bird List. The front cover features an Orange-flanked Bush-robin (Red-flanked Bluetail) photographed at Achna Dam by Stavros Christodoulides. The Report will be sent automatically to those BirdLife Cyprus members whose subscription includes it. Extra copies can be purchased if required by contacting the BirdLife Cyprus office [email protected]