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Diopter focus inconsistency (Ed x) (1 Viewer)

matt green

Norfolkman gone walkabout
A recent Observation with a newly acquired hawke Ed x 8x42, when focusing from near to distant objects I can achieve perfect focus but when tracking the focus back to near objects the focus/diopter setting appears out of focus,

I wonder if this is a known issue with budget made roofs, or maybe just a trade off with build quality/tolerances etc?


This problem is common among cheaper roofs.
In the video below, look how the focuser nut has excessive backlash and tilts depending on focusing direction.
As a result, the left and right pushrods (which drive the focusing lens in each barrel) exhibit a shift relative to each other depending on focusing direction.
Most often a deadspot can be felt in the focusing wheel when changing direction.


View attachment tect.mp4

This problem is common among cheaper roofs.
In the video below, look how the focuser nut has excessive backlash and tilts depending on focusing direction.
As a result, the left and right pushrods (which drive the focusing lens in each barrel) exhibit a shift relative to each other depending on focusing direction.
Most often a deadspot can be felt in the focusing wheel when changing direction.


View attachment 1399108
Thanks for the reply and video, a preferable explanation as apposed to a defective binocular!

I‘m still amazed how budget roofs have progressed over the last few years, still a very fine optic for the money,

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