Björn Bergenholtz
(former alias "Calalp")
Ok guys, even if I´m (once again) a bit off my home turf (when dealing with French texts that is, of which I understand very little, close to nothing), but let's have a (renewed*) look at ...
reyi as in:
• the somewhat debated (fairly recently split) species (alt. ssp.) Sulu Boobook/Hawk-owl Ninox (philippensis) reyi OUSTALET 1880 (here), as "Ninox Reyi":
In today's Key explained as:
Also see; List of type specimens of birds in the collections of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (Paris, France). 21. Strigiformes, by Claire Voisin & Jean-François Voisin, 2011 (here, p.25):
... as well as the Holotype itself here:
I'd say the dedicatee was/is a Dr. Paul Rey, naturalist, collector, traveller, (and pioneer photographer?), etc., etc. (who visited the Malay Peninsula, and the Philippines, as well as other Islands in its vicinity (in 1879–1881), who, most likely, was French (probably born in 1849) ...
At least his companion Joseph (Marguerite) Montano (1844–"1915"), seems to have been French, (see this blog post), or the BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France) who has Dr. Montano, as: "Docteur en médecine et anthropologie, chef de la mission scientifique en Malaisie et dans la partie méridionale des Philippines de 1879 à 1881" (apparently born in Toulouse, though also note that some sources claim he'd died in 1914?) [*].
As well, see this piece [my blue bolds]:
Or this one:
Alt. this one: "Drs. Joseph Montano and Paul Rey of Paris, accompanied ..."
Also see Montano's own Book Voyage aux Philippines et en Malaisie (1886, all in French), here, where "M. (Monsieur) Rey" was/is (indeed) mentioned, more than once, as "Paul Rey".
Either way, to me, it looks like Dr Paul Rey ought to be "our guy" ...
Anyone who think otherwise?
However, and (as always) don't hesitate to prove me wrong.
*This guy (alt. those guys) was (or were) earlier dealt with in Martin's (tripartite) thread Kleinothraupis reyi (von Berlepsch, 1885) & Ninox reyi Oustalet, 1880 & Anthracoceros montani (Oustalet, 1880), from January last year, here, but I started a new one just to keep these guys (and "their" birds) apart.
PPS. Also don't hesitate to remark if there's any typos in the quotes above (I'm just typing away, not knowing, not understanding, what I'm doing/writing) ... 🙄
reyi as in:
• the somewhat debated (fairly recently split) species (alt. ssp.) Sulu Boobook/Hawk-owl Ninox (philippensis) reyi OUSTALET 1880 (here), as "Ninox Reyi":
C’est ce qui est arrivé en effet, et dans la collection envoyée récemment au Museum par deux naturalistes chage d’une mission par le Ministère de l’Instruction publique, MM. Les Drs. Montano et Rey, se trouvent non seulement la plupart des espèces mentionnées par M. Sharpe, mais encore deux ou trois espèces ... [...]
Les îles Philippines et les Moluques nourrissent plusiers espèces de ce genre, qui toutes sont différentes de celle que MM. Montano et Rey ont rencontrée aux îles Sooloo. ... [...] Par ce dernier caractère, la Chouette des îles Sooloo, qui pourra ètre appelée Ninox Reyi, resemble ...
In today's Key explained as:
● ...
● Dr S. Rey (fl. 1880) German naturalist (Ninox).
Also see; List of type specimens of birds in the collections of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (Paris, France). 21. Strigiformes, by Claire Voisin & Jean-François Voisin, 2011 (here, p.25):
HOLOTYPE (by monotypy): C.G. 1880-1997 (N.C. 177C). Pedestal underside: 1. – “Miss. [Mission] Drs. Montano et Rey. / 1880 n° 1997 C.G.” 2. – “Ile Soulou Janv 1880 / ♀ / iris et bec jaune / Ninox Reyi / Type Oust.” Pedestal label [handwritten]: “Ninox Reyi / Oust Type / I. Soulou [a k a "Sooloo islands", alt. Sulu Archipelago] Montano et Rey”.
... as well as the Holotype itself here:
Nom du collecteur: Montano, Joseph & Rey, Paul.
I'd say the dedicatee was/is a Dr. Paul Rey, naturalist, collector, traveller, (and pioneer photographer?), etc., etc. (who visited the Malay Peninsula, and the Philippines, as well as other Islands in its vicinity (in 1879–1881), who, most likely, was French (probably born in 1849) ...
At least his companion Joseph (Marguerite) Montano (1844–"1915"), seems to have been French, (see this blog post), or the BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France) who has Dr. Montano, as: "Docteur en médecine et anthropologie, chef de la mission scientifique en Malaisie et dans la partie méridionale des Philippines de 1879 à 1881" (apparently born in Toulouse, though also note that some sources claim he'd died in 1914?) [*].
As well, see this piece [my blue bolds]:
Docteur en médecine et en anthropologie, Joseph Montano a été nommé chef d’une mission scientifique par le ministère français de l’Instruction publique pour étudier les tribus des Philippines. [...] Entre 1879 et 1881, Joseph Montano, et son collègue le Docteur Paul Rey ont visité Malacca, la partie sud de l’île de Luzon, l’archipel de Sulu, le nord-est de l’île de Bornéo, et seul, Montano est allé sur l’île de Mindanao.
Or this one:
En 1879, Joseph Montano, médecin, anthropologue, naturaliste, explorateur,, est chargé par le Ministère de l'Instruction Publique d'une mission aux Philippines. Il est accompagné du Docteur Paul Rey. Tous deux exploreront pendant près de deux ans divers endroits de l'archipel pour y étudier la faune, la flore et les diverses populations locales, en particulier les Négritos.
Alt. this one: "Drs. Joseph Montano and Paul Rey of Paris, accompanied ..."
Also see Montano's own Book Voyage aux Philippines et en Malaisie (1886, all in French), here, where "M. (Monsieur) Rey" was/is (indeed) mentioned, more than once, as "Paul Rey".
Either way, to me, it looks like Dr Paul Rey ought to be "our guy" ...
Anyone who think otherwise?
However, and (as always) don't hesitate to prove me wrong.
*This guy (alt. those guys) was (or were) earlier dealt with in Martin's (tripartite) thread Kleinothraupis reyi (von Berlepsch, 1885) & Ninox reyi Oustalet, 1880 & Anthracoceros montani (Oustalet, 1880), from January last year, here, but I started a new one just to keep these guys (and "their" birds) apart.
PPS. Also don't hesitate to remark if there's any typos in the quotes above (I'm just typing away, not knowing, not understanding, what I'm doing/writing) ... 🙄
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