Local Patcher.
picture of high rise hen
With your construction expertise, i am sure you will help this moorhen out with either a ramp or a pair of ladders.
picture of high rise hen
picture of high rise hen
I'm assuming this is the place where you submit what you have seen in Durham ?
Had a look down Salthome this morning with young Kieran and his dad, Derek. Must have just missed you Joe.
Beautiful morning and loads about again, 8 Little Gulls,3-4 Ruff including two splendid males, 2 Red Knot , 2 Little Rings and a Wood Sandpiper . A few summer plumaged Grey Plover also about.
Found the Spoonbill asleep on Cowpen Marsh, with a few Whimbrel also there.
Next had a look round to North Gare, where we found a Temmincks Stint, a lifer for all of us. Managed a pap pic, on full zoom.
what happened to bill the birder
........<snip>..........Then circling Joes Pond at a height, Although i cant be 100% certain,(Defo a Skua) pretty sure a Pomarine Skua, the trailing spoon style tail the key id point before it flew off toward the coast via Hoton!
.....<snip>........and rather sunburnt....nice white strip round the back of my neck where the strap of the bins had been !
with the POMARINE SKUA passage continuing unabated, with a further 40
or more birds passing Seaford Splash Point (East Sussex) this morning (up to
70 per day have been passing this promontory all week).
Good numbers of POMARINE SKUAS (low hundreds) were seen over the course of the week, mainly along the south coast………
Multiple identities aren't permitted on Bird Forum - so they were all merged into one!
theres only one thing worse than a phone call interrupting a blissful bout of sun worship............ recieving said fone call whilst ones optics have been accidentally (confiscated)..............well, TWOK'd :-C by a certain person who shall remain brainless (sorry nameless...) !!
but on the plus side (if i can hope to salvage one!) i havnt got a white neck band.... & did come into close contact with a Skewer later in the day![]()
Neil, saw a Redshank fluttering its wings as a prelude to mating today.NeilF said:......a juvenille Redshank flexing it's not yet fully developed wings,
StevieEvans;1195537All 8 of the breeding warbler species seen. Numbers of all up on last weekend said:Lesser Whitethroats[/B] holding territory in just about every suitable area of habo visited. (6males seen/heard), although there are generally several other territories close by.
What looked like a Swans egg on the largest island pool II ?
female Long-eared Owl brooding 2+ small young. Juvvy Mistle Thrushes fledged
Nice to meet Matt and his dad...Good luck with the Spoonbill! :t: