Well-known member
Kingfisher probably turned up 2 minutes after I left!!
I thought that JBee would have told you, They were due to go on holiday today
Kingfisher probably turned up 2 minutes after I left!!
They were black and had long beaks
Here's a large crop of the image - the birds were a fair way off.
I await expert advise.
This was on Monday RossI had two large flocks of 90 and 40 Shags south past Trow on weekend John.
This was on Monday Ross
Shags it is - thanks RossBirds in your photo definitely Shags!
NO! Surely not!
I was at Dalton Park at about 3:30ish and I saw a Falcon being harrased by starlings, HOBBY! Am I right, I though it was different! Rather odd it was being mobbed by a flock of starlings,
I am doubtful it's a Hobby becuase I just can't beleive it when I read it I thought it was a Peregrine at first! I was going to post it in the forum to see if anyone knew, I only looked at it for about 5 seconds, then thought nothing of it. It was over Dalton Park itself and there was a samll group of starlings avoiding it then swooping down on it.
Does this sound like a Hobby?
does anyone know what time it was seen and what it was doing.
Please, please,please get back to me if it sounds like I have seen a hobby.
Andrew K
ps. It would make my day If I came to the conclusion that is was.
Just before 3pm today a peregrine (possibly hobby) flew high over Low Eppelton (sp?) farm heading east.
Very curved swift like wings.
Didn't get any pics - lens was poked through hide window and bird was high up above me.ps. I think your right JBee it was a Peregrine, are you sure it was a Peregrine? Did you get any pics?
Didn't get any pics - lens was poked through hide window and bird was high up above me.
Peregrine was my first thought having seen a few in flight (looked bigger than the hobby I had fly over my head at Minsmere ( ID'd by a bird watcher) )
But I struggle to tell an egret from a blackbird so anyones guess - Most definitely one or the other though with money being on Peregrine.
Very swift like JBee ooooooo, sounds like Hobby, or is it just my wishful thinking!
Hmmmmmm, pity Colin wasn't there with you.
Andrew K
September's just getting better by the day.....
Just about the first bird i saw this morning at the Blast was a clifftop hugging Honey Buzzard !
Fantically tried to phone news out, but all i got was busy tones & answer machines... i left a few messages, then managed to speak to someone who assured me not to panic so much as there were plenty about today....:smoke:
What was probably this same bird was still lingering over Hawthorn Dene at 2pm, when it was in the air with Sparhawks & Kestrels.
Others round Dawdon included Osprey south mobbed by corvids, adult Peregrine , numerous Sparrowhawks & Kestrels.
Passerine migrants werent in last weekends numbers, but some species were especially prominant like Blackcap, Garden Warbler & Willow Warbler.
Others 10+Swift, 1-2Sand Martin, 2Whinchat, 1Pied Flycatcher, 3Spotted Flycatcher, 6Wheatear, 1Lesser Whitethroat, 5+Common Whitethroat, and a clear albeit 3second view of a Grasshopper Warbler.
There seemed to be more Robins, Blackbirds & Song Thrushes... though these could be local birds ? , but im pretty certain there were migrant Dunnocks in.
Lunch in Seaham was interrupted by a "did you know about the shrike?" phone call/ It was just round the corner & next on the agenda... juv Red Backed Shrike, Stunning bird! at one point it sailed effortlessly to take a bee in mid flight as we had a kick about with a football & almost landed on us, as i took Jack in the bushes for a wee! Nice to bump into a few birders too - after a morning at the Blast, you sometimes dont know if there's anyone left on the planet.
Phone calls reminded us, not to stay away from the Local Patch too long..... Colin had had 2 Honeys go over the Lyons.... so headed back across when the apprentice fell asleep - took advantage of this quiet time to set up at Seaton Pond for an hour or so. Very productive here with birds constantly on the move: 3Ruff over west, 1juvGarganey, 70+Teal, 18Wigeon, 6Shoveller on north pool, nice fem Redstart posing at the roadside, 1sub-ad Hobby south past Scouts Wood with 2 Spotted Flycatcher & 80+Greenfinch here too. 100+M.Pipit, 200 each of Linnet & Goldfinch, 1Golden Plover travelling north calling within a flock of racing pigeons!
Teatime was conducted in a one eye out the window fashion, then a bit play with Thomas & friends & it was off again.... pyjama bottoms & wellies was a new one even for us!
Rainton was decent, providing "3 more September ticks" with a fair wildfowl influx on a mill pond pool 2:- 38Wigeon, 27Teal, prGadwall & drake Pochard .
Capped off with a post hunting Long-eared at a reliable spot, as the light went on the way back.
A long & thoroughly enjoyable days birding - one to remember for sure.
September's just getting better by the day.....
Just about the first bird i saw this morning at the Blast was a clifftop hugging Honey Buzzard !
Fantically tried to phone news out, but all i got was busy tones & answer machines... i left a few messages, then managed to speak to someone who assured me not to panic so much as there were plenty about today....:smoke:
What was probably this same bird was still lingering over Hawthorn Dene at 2pm, when it was in the air with Sparhawks & Kestrels.
Others round Dawdon included Osprey south mobbed by corvids, adult Peregrine , numerous Sparrowhawks & Kestrels.
Passerine migrants werent in last weekends numbers, but some species were especially prominant like Blackcap, Garden Warbler & Willow Warbler.
Others 10+Swift, 1-2Sand Martin, 2Whinchat, 1Pied Flycatcher, 3Spotted Flycatcher, 6Wheatear, 1Lesser Whitethroat, 5+Common Whitethroat, and a clear albeit 3second view of a Grasshopper Warbler.
There seemed to be more Robins, Blackbirds & Song Thrushes... though these could be local birds ? , but im pretty certain there were migrant Dunnocks in.
Lunch in Seaham was interrupted by a "did you know about the shrike?" phone call/ It was just round the corner & next on the agenda... juv Red Backed Shrike, Stunning bird! at one point it sailed effortlessly to take a bee in mid flight as we had a kick about with a football & almost landed on us, as i took Jack in the bushes for a wee! Nice to bump into a few birders too - after a morning at the Blast, you sometimes dont know if there's anyone left on the planet.
Phone calls reminded us, not to stay away from the Local Patch too long..... Colin had had 2 Honeys go over the Lyons.... so headed back across when the apprentice fell asleep - took advantage of this quiet time to set up at Seaton Pond for an hour or so. Very productive here with birds constantly on the move: 3Ruff over west, 1juvGarganey, 70+Teal, 18Wigeon, 6Shoveller on north pool, nice fem Redstart posing at the roadside, 1sub-ad Hobby south past Scouts Wood with 2 Spotted Flycatcher & 80+Greenfinch here too. 100+M.Pipit, 200 each of Linnet & Goldfinch, 1Golden Plover travelling north calling within a flock of racing pigeons!
Teatime was conducted in a one eye out the window fashion, then a bit play with Thomas & friends & it was off again.... pyjama bottoms & wellies was a new one even for us!
Rainton was decent, providing "3 more September ticks" with a fair wildfowl influx on a mill pond pool 2:- 38Wigeon, 27Teal, prGadwall & drake Pochard .
Capped off with a post hunting Long-eared at a reliable spot, as the light went on the way back.
A long & thoroughly enjoyable days birding - one to remember for sure.
Steve, I really admire the way you combine parenthood and birding. I remember when my two were young, I never seemed to master that art. It is a much underestimated skill. Your lad must have a better life list than many seasoned birders by now.:t: