Followed a trail of disgarded ham & peas pudding sarnies
to a Barny roost yesterday. Arrived at the layby 6.30am, just as it was leaving for breakfast :flyaway:. Assuming it would return, I waited in anticipation . Come 9.00 my feet were numb in the morning frost thinking I might have been outwitted by the wise one.
Along comes Mr. Farmer ''who gave you permission to take photographs on my land'' ''I was in a public layby'' ''The trees on my land'' etc etc. After some discussion, I decided to retreat a car park further down the road as I probably wasn't getting anywhere :-C. Pulling up in the car park, what flies across my windscreen & down to the tree hole? Damn it!!!!:C
Has this sort of situation happened to anyone else & who is in the right? Not that I'm going to push this particular one as I have a plan B:smoke:.