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Durham Birding (14 Viewers)

Saturday 12th

Cowpen Bewley Country Park - Lots of birds calling around the lake but very difficult to spot because of all the foliage. Saw my first Whitethroat though.

Has anyone any tips for this type of birding as it can get quite frustrating, especially to a novice like me! Is it best to pick a spot and sit and wait for the birds to come along or to follow the calls and see if you can spot them? I have heard chiffchaff loads of times now but have still not managed to see one.

Saltholme - Saw my first Twite, male and female gave great views in front of the Saltholme Pools hide. Also saw Barnacle Goose and loads of Yellow Wagtail as well as the usual. Didn't manage to spot the Broad Billed Sandpiper.

Headed over to Doormans to try and see the Cetti's but had stopped showing by the time I got there.

Sunday 13th

Low Barns - Had my first Reed Warbler and Garden Warbler! Only managed to id the Garden Warbler when I got home and looked at my bird books. ID'ing warblers is certainly a challenge!!. Also saw G.S Woodpecker at 3 different locations, Reed buntings and Coal Tits as well as the usual. The feeders were very busy with all the usual birds as well as Pheasant, Grey Squirrel and Rabbit!

It's a wonder I didn't see you at Cowpen Bewley W.Pk. I spent most of the morning there on Saturday. Quite a few birds were singing/calling around the lake including Whitethroat, Wren, Garden Warbler, Bullfinch, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Blue Tit, Reed Bunting, Reed Warbler, Long-tailed Tit, Magpie, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Kingfisher....

Greenfinch and Yellowhammer were in Faith Wood and Reed Warbler along the becks.

I find sitting on the bench near the hide is very good for birds at present. Hearing one and then persevering trying to spot the one singing is a good way to learn the calls but as you say not so easy at present with so many leaves on the trees and so many young birds around now.

The car park ponds are perhaps a little easier to see and hear birds as there are several each of Sedge Warbler, Reed Bunting and Whitethroat each of which like to perch high up either on bushes or on reeds.
Ian - I never got there until about 1pm, didn't see any other birders just dog walkers. It was the first time I had been to Cowpen since February, the place looks fantastiv when everything is in bloom, a really nice spot.
I wondered if it was you at Doormans Pool viewing the Cetti's? Do you carry your camera on a monopod and left the site on foot. I was going to ask but the guy left just as I pulled up.

Ian - I never got there until about 1pm, didn't see any other birders just dog walkers. It was the first time I had been to Cowpen since February, the place looks fantastiv when everything is in bloom, a really nice spot.
I wondered if it was you at Doormans Pool viewing the Cetti's? Do you carry your camera on a monopod and left the site on foot. I was going to ask but the guy left just as I pulled up.


I was at Dormans Pool in the afternoon but was in my car and not using a monopod. I'm sure we'll meet up one day.
Strange looking gulls

I saw these two birds at Durham on saturday and although i've been thru my bird books i just can't identify them, any suggestions anyone.


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Derwent Reservoir

We were in this area yesterday and saw a red kite flying between Muggleswick and Edmundbyers, at one time being mobbed by a corvid.
Along Muggleswick Common, I took this photograph. Am I right in thinking it's a Meadow Pipit?

On the reservoir, we saw a pair of Great Crested Grebe, but they were too far away to photograph.


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Hi June. Have read your posts asking about Red Kites and two were reported over RSPB Saltholme on the 14th, not sure by who or what time as I've been away. Will try and get confirmation for you.
Red Kites over Saltholme

Oh yes please!! This would be a really interesting sighting, especially if any tag colours were readable. Our kites have a pink tag on the left. More details of the different year colours here http://www.friendsofredkites.org.uk/page8.htm I'm only just beginning this page, as today is the first day of tagging and ringing our chicks.
We may just be on TV and in the Press this Friday/week-end.

You can use [email protected] if you wish.


Hi June. Have read your posts asking about Red Kites and two were reported over RSPB Saltholme on the 14th, not sure by who or what time as I've been away. Will try and get confirmation for you.
Rainton Meadows

Recenting Sightings include:-

16th June
2 Bullfinch - male and female
1 Cormorant
Loads of presumed Chimney Sweeper moths near Joes Pond

1 Willow Tit
1 Common Tern
1 Ringed Plover
1 Yellow Wagtail - female.

2 Teal - both males
1 Redshank
5 Willow Tits - family of 2 adults and 3 juveniles.
Dormans Pool - am - Cetti's Warbler x1, Sprrowhawk, Kestrel.

Bowesfield Marsh - pm - Grasshopper Warbler, Banded Demoiselle x6, Black-tailed Skimmer x8, Four-spot Chaser x4, Broad-bodied Chaser x1.

Coatham Stob this afternoon - Broad-bodied Chaser x7 (6m,1f), Emperor Dragonfly x2, several Four-spot Chasers.

A revisit this evening - Barn Owl x3 - very close views of one when it flew over towards me to check me out, Grey Partridge x6, Mistle Thrush x2, Kestrel, Linnet, Meadow Pipit, Skylark, Greenfinch, Bullfinch.


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Just a few pictures I have managed over the past month or so from around the local patch.


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Hi - Can anyone help me ID this bird.

It was a fledgling sat in a reed bed with it's parent. The parent flew off and hid nearby before I could ID it properly.
The fledgling was about sparrow sized and was light brown in colour. It was the same colour all over, no lighter under parts or anything. It had a fairly bright yellow stripe above its's eye.

Edit: The bird was seen in the Marsh/Reed bed area at Low Barnes on Sunday.

Any ideas?

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Hi - Can anyone help me ID this bird.

It was a fledgling sat in a reed bed with it's parent. The parent flew off and hid nearby before I could ID it properly.
The fledgling was about sparrow sized and was light brown in colour. It was the same colour all over, no lighter under parts or anything. It had a fairly bright yellow stripe above its's eye.

Edit: The bird was seen in the Marsh/Reed bed area at Low Barnes on Sunday.

Any ideas?


Sounds like a Sedge Warbler Matt?
Couple of handfulls from the past week.

Hardwick Park: Sunday 20th.
Single GC Grebe chick with parents keeping to the centre of the pond, swallow feeding young on the metal fence near the hall, also one or two sandmartins present and 3 swift overhead.


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Barn Owl and a couple of dragonflies from Coatham Stob.


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Little Terns from Crimdon and Broad Bodied Chasers from Cowpen Bewley.


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Zinc Works Road - am - Peregrine on power station, Cuckoo juv in migrant bushes at end being tended by two Meadow Pipits. Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat, Linnet, Dunnock and Goldfinch along gras verges. Kestrel on telegraph pole.

RSPB Saltholme - Bommon Tank - Snipe, Black-tailed Godwit x9, Redshank x3, Lapwing and Curlew.

Hardwick Hall - pm - Spotted Flycatcher x2 the only birds of note seen. Black-tailed Skimmer x1 along the dam and Emperor Dragonfly x6 around Serpentine and lake.

Bishop Middleham - - pm - Corn Bunting x11 (2 at one location and nine at another).

Hurworth Burn Res - Channel Wagtail, Yellow Wagtail, Tree Sparrow.


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