Yesterday -
Seaton Common - am - Yellow Wagtail x2, Linnet c.20, Stonechat pair, Whimbrel x2 on the beach.
Holme Fleet - Green Sandpiper x1, Common Tern x4 on the rafts, Whimbrel x7 though 23 this evening alongside A178 1/4 north of Seals Sands Roundabout.
Saline Lagoon - Avocet x27, Redshank x4, Oystercatcher x6, Shelduck x4 though 20+ on Tidal Pool. Common Tern x6 though no sign this evening.
Dormans Pool - Cetti's Wabler very vocal by top car park. Four-spot Chaser, and Common Blue Damselfly. Butterflies - Dingy Skpper 5-6, Small Copper, Common Blue male and female, Peacock, Wall Brown.
Nightingale still at Cowpen Bewley Woodland Park - singing well but seldom seen.