A pretty good week so far around the north side of the estuary.
RSPB Saltholme the last few days has had Arctic Tern x3, Black Tern, Common Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover, Yellow Wagtail, Wheatear & Avocet all from Saltholme Hide.
A Scaup was at the Phil Stead Hide but has now moved onto the east pond where it's joined the lingering pair of Long-tailed Duck one of which is reaching summer plumage now. At least three Goldeneye remain. The Black Tern seems to be sticking on that pond as well now.
Last night there were two Common Tern on Saltholme west but no sign this morning.
No sign of the Grasshopper Warbler at Dormans Pool the last few days. Sedge Warbler numbers have dropped again though at least three still present today. Also Common Whitethroat, Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Linnet and Wren all singing from brambles beside the path to the hide.
Today a Wryneck was found along at North Gare on the edge of one of the fairways. A good number of Wheatear around as well plus a pair of Stonechat and the odd Yellow Wagtail. A Whinchat was reported but wasn't refound. A drake Garganey was on the North Gare access road pools.
RSPB Saltholme the last few days has had Arctic Tern x3, Black Tern, Common Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover, Yellow Wagtail, Wheatear & Avocet all from Saltholme Hide.
A Scaup was at the Phil Stead Hide but has now moved onto the east pond where it's joined the lingering pair of Long-tailed Duck one of which is reaching summer plumage now. At least three Goldeneye remain. The Black Tern seems to be sticking on that pond as well now.
Last night there were two Common Tern on Saltholme west but no sign this morning.
No sign of the Grasshopper Warbler at Dormans Pool the last few days. Sedge Warbler numbers have dropped again though at least three still present today. Also Common Whitethroat, Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Linnet and Wren all singing from brambles beside the path to the hide.
Today a Wryneck was found along at North Gare on the edge of one of the fairways. A good number of Wheatear around as well plus a pair of Stonechat and the odd Yellow Wagtail. A Whinchat was reported but wasn't refound. A drake Garganey was on the North Gare access road pools.