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Durham Birding (5 Viewers)

Sage Gateshead Saturday 5 July

Friends of Red Kites welcome RSPB as part of their Celebratory Event this Saturday 11am - 6pm.

RSPB will be there and they will be raising the profile of the Hen Harrier - why not come along and talk to them; a sighting of the male is in itself something to celebrate!!

Details are on our website www.friendsofredkites.org.uk

Fabulous to see a male Hen Harrier as I drove through upper Teesdale yesterday :t:
Bollihope Area

A few Spotted Flycatcher shots from yesterday


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Moorland Wildlife

A Common Sand from tonight - only 1 juvenile seen with the adults, but a lot of ferns for cover !


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Anniversary Red Kite Bus Tour

Following our exciting and highly successful Event, On Red Kite Wings, at Sage Gateshead, on Saturday, we are now taking bookings for our next Anniversary Event - a 3 -hour Bus Tour in Red Kite country.

Attached is the poster - do feel free to save and print for friends.

We have over 30 chicks this year - a record number!

A photo of the winning entry to our competition - Mick Render of Washington.

A panoramic shot of our Red Kite mosaic on Performance Square, by Jon Clapham. It will now go to be used by a Conservation Group in the Black Isle, which is the most persecuted area in the UK.


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This bird hopped out in front of me up on the Moors yesterday. I thought it might have been a juv Meadow pipit but after I posted it in the I D section I'm told it's a Skylark:

This bird hopped out in front of me up on the Moors yesterday. I thought it might have been a juv Meadow pipit but after I posted it in the I D section I'm told it's a Skylark:

View attachment 505483

That looks correct to me, Juvenile at that due to the fine white tips on the crown and pale fringes to the wing coverts, fantastic photograph I must say you know what you are doing with the camera, keep it up.

Sounds as though you had a cracking day! You were certainly not "2slo" in getting that stunning shot of the heron, with the wild flower meadow as a backdrop! :t:

Thanks June |=)|

I struggled to get a decent shot of the Goldcrest, They never seem to stop! This was about the best I managed:

That is beautiful! Such a dainty little bird and quite rare.:t:

Goldcrests have always been a favourite of mine, i maybe wrong June but i don't think they are rare, possibly rare in your area, i just think you just don't see them often, i do see them in winter with mixed-tit flocks, when the trees have lost all the leaves, however come to think of it, earlier this year on the fringe of the NY Moors (Kildale village) myself and a friend counted at least 6 zipping along a hedgerow. Super little birds
In winter flocks can be quite big, in Gateshead you can often see well into double figures feeding together sometimes joined by the rare Firecrest if you're lucky.
Nesting Swallows - Problem at Work

2 week factory shutdown starts tommorow, the problem is the site needs to be secure but there are swallows nesting in one of the workshops with young. The Company has insisted to us that security will shut the roller doors at 9.30pm & re-open them at 7.00am. Apart from not trusting the security team to remember or even wake up in time ;), I'm still un-happy about the proposal that has been based on so called professional advice.
Is their proposal good enough for the chicks survival, or am I just being a pain to them?
2 week factory shutdown starts tommorow, the problem is the site needs to be secure but there are swallows nesting in one of the workshops with young. The Company has insisted to us that security will shut the roller doors at 9.30pm & re-open them at 7.00am. Apart from not trusting the security team to remember or even wake up in time ;), I'm still un-happy about the proposal that has been based on so called professional advice.
Is their proposal good enough for the chicks survival, or am I just being a pain to them?

I sympathise with your concern. The adults will miss out on about 3 or 4 hours daylight access to the nest. Looking at the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, it refers to an offence being: taking, damaging or destroying the nest of a wild bird. Also, killing, taking or injuring a wild bird. Hope this helps. If the security personnel don't open up, that would certainly breach the act...but would anyone find out until tragedy has struck |=(|
I sympathise with your concern. The adults will miss out on about 3 or 4 hours daylight access to the nest. Looking at the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, it refers to an offence being: taking, damaging or destroying the nest of a wild bird. Also, killing, taking or injuring a wild bird. Hope this helps. If the security personnel don't open up, that would certainly breach the act...but would anyone find out until tragedy has struck |=(|

.....Surprised nobody could expand on this ! My knowledge of bird 'Law' is limited to only what I can glean from Government websites. Surely one of the Forum members can comment more accurately than I ?

Concern for nesting birds

I would contact your nearest RSPB Office.

Send an e-mail to [email protected]

Or Newcastle Office Sirius House Quayside Telephone: 0300 7772 676

Or Birds and wildlife advice: 01767 693690 (office hours)

.....Surprised nobody could expand on this ! My knowledge of bird 'Law' is limited to only what I can glean from Government websites. Surely one of the Forum members can comment more accurately than I ?

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