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Durham Birding (2 Viewers)

Surprised that there hasn't been a post about the Isabelline Wheatear on the Durham thread.

I've been keeping an eye on sightings, but haven't been able to get down to Teeside this week. I'm able to get down the tomorrow.....so sensible bets would be that it's disappeared by then.... as sod's law dictates !

I rarely see any mention of rare bird sightings, even a few days after them being found (or even gone), here on the Durham or Northumberland threads( Hume's Yellow Browed being one example) Is there a 'closed shop' mentality between birders 'in the know' ? Things just seem less informative these days ! Maybe not as many birders bother with Birdforum nowadays.

I would love some feedback on how the Rainton Meadows site is coming along. I went there in the summer and it was in the middle of massive landscaping works.....lots of mud, no birds. I saw my first Bittern there, from the 'freezer'. Hope it's going well down there :)

All the best folks,

Richard :)

Times change...
As Renton mentioned, news of the Isabelline Wheatear was on Twitter (free bird news service) within minutes of its confirmation. There have been regular updates every day on both the Teesmouth Bird Club and Durham Bird Club sightings pages (again, open access to all), on the Rare Bird Info thread on Birdforum, plus constant updates on the subscription services such as Birdguides and RBA. I guess its fully covered in so many places that noone sees a need for general info on here? Not a 'closed shop', but more adapting your knowledge of where to look for interesting local news.

As to general info, it has always been the case that enthusiasm for BF comes and goes. A few local Durham patchers have blogs, some keep themselves to themselves and use other ways of passing info on, some don't want to pass news on, some don't have computer access, some don't like using open forums and all the 'banter' that can come it... Personally, nearly all my watching is at Whitburn Obs and full sightings go on Trektellen and highlights on Twitter; I don't have the time to do updates on all that I see on other websites. Maybe others are the same. But things may/will change in the coming year and it only takes someone with a bit of persistance to get interest in a BF thread going again.

Times change...
As Renton mentioned, news of the Isabelline Wheatear was on Twitter (free bird news service) within minutes of its confirmation. There have been regular updates every day on both the Teesmouth Bird Club and Durham Bird Club sightings pages (again, open access to all), on the Rare Bird Info thread on Birdforum, plus constant updates on the subscription services such as Birdguides and RBA. I guess its fully covered in so many places that noone sees a need for general info on here? Not a 'closed shop', but more adapting your knowledge of where to look for interesting local news.

As to general info, it has always been the case that enthusiasm for BF comes and goes. A few local Durham patchers have blogs, some keep themselves to themselves and use other ways of passing info on, some don't want to pass news on, some don't have computer access, some don't like using open forums and all the 'banter' that can come it... Personally, nearly all my watching is at Whitburn Obs and full sightings go on Trektellen and highlights on Twitter; I don't have the time to do updates on all that I see on other websites. Maybe others are the same. But things may/will change in the coming year and it only takes someone with a bit of persistance to get interest in a BF thread going again.


Cheers :t:
Funny I was also just coming in to comment how different this thread now is from up to just nine months ago, where each page would be fat with photos from people's birding days round Durham, plus stonking shots of all the rares (Bee-eater in Seaburn, Pallid Harrier at Saltholme etc.). I was going to wonder out loud has everyone just gone and got a Twitter and/or a blog instead?
I took a trip down to Rainton Meadows yesterday.
Despite the wind and most of the puddles being frozen there was still a good number of birds. It was particularly lively on the path from Mark's Lane to the Top Gate, where I saw many redwing, a handful of fieldfare and the usual blackbirds.
A Pochard on the main lake was also nice to see.

No super pictures though LowellMills. Maybe next time. :t:
This Redwing was along the track beside Joe's Pond (Rainton Meadows) on Sunday. Sorry the picture isn't great.


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Few from Teesside area today, good number of fieldfare at Saltholme and a few redwing.


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Just reading the sightings page of DBC.
7 Woodcock were reported at Rainton Meadows on the 30th. I've never seen a Woodcock. It'd be great to know where they were so I might see one next time I'm there.
If anyone knows, I'd be grateful if you message me.
The Hartlepool one would be better without sound though - you can't hear anything over the wind.

You can turn the volume off on You Tube or mute it on your computer if you want. I personally don't mind it at all, it gives a good indication to the conditions on the day and it adds atmosphere....(and pretty sure you can hear the waves as well as the wind).

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Upland Wildlife

A few pics from last week - a bit distant but a cracking bird ;)


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Hartlepool Headland

Kingfisher and Purple Sandpiper on the Headland at Hartlepool yesterday.


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