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Durham Birding (3 Viewers)

Think I used to enjoy the site when more people used it - A couple of Wilow Tit pics once again from the BOGS !


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Think I used to enjoy the site when more people used it !
Aye Alan used to be a good site to visit but seems, like a few others, to be little used. A few nice shots from the bogs, it wont be the same without Colin popping in but still reliable for the Water Rails and Willow Tits and it looks like you cannot resist the Reed Buntings either
Aye Alan used to be a good site to visit but seems, like a few others, to be little used. A few nice shots from the bogs, it wont be the same without Colin popping in but still reliable for the Water Rails and Willow Tits and it looks like you cannot resist the Reed Buntings either

Yeh your right on every account :t:
A couple from yesterday - no hide was used whilst photographing this bird ;)


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