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Early Swift departure (1 Viewer)

Still one @18:55, same as previous days. I wonder if it is always the same bird that is just sticking around for a bit.
This afternoon, 10.09.2020, 13.45h, 2 Swifts circling high for about ten minutes, against a partly heavily-clouded sky (blue and white). Temperature is agreeable, c.19° C. Never seen before after July, I think.
Eastern part of Netherlands, near German border.
Jan van der Brugge
Didn't expect to be contributing to this thread again! But this very warm morning, and a late ant mating flight brought in lots of birds over Burradon, southeast Northumbs - this lot enjoying the feast:
3 Herring Gull
70+ Black-headed Gull
1 Sparrowhawk
4 Common Swift
1 swift (sp.) - looked paler/browner than the other 4, but too distant to clinch any decent details
10+ Barn Swallow
40+ House Martin
15+ Jackdaw
20+ Common Starling
Yep - many years I don't get any September swifts at all, and the years I do, it's usually been in the first week. Mid Sept is decidedly unusual :t:
Around a dozen on 4th October on the Holme-Titchwell stretch of the North Norfolk coast. Wondering if storm Alex might have brought them up from Southern Europe.
Around a dozen on 4th October on the Holme-Titchwell stretch of the North Norfolk coast. Wondering if storm Alex might have brought them up from Southern Europe.

The two here were with 180 house martins and 20 swallows slowly moving south and with thousands of HM & SL moving south in inland UK at the same time I just presumed they came from the north with those
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