Red-necked Phalaropes had increased to 7. The canal held 100+ waders including. Wood, Green and Marsh Sandpiper, Ringed and Little Ringed Plover, Redshank and Spotted Redshank, Little and Temminck’s Stint, Ruff, Greenshank and obviously BWStilt and Spurwing. Egrets/Herons from the freshwater hides were: Grey, Purple, Squacco and Striated Heron, Little of both Bittern and Egret. Raptors were non-existent but did include a mid-distant and longer Jordanian Hills Crested Honey Buzzard. Yesterday saw a very close bird over the reserve which at a distance reminded me of a large Bonelli’s on the underwing layout.
I am optimistic for the remaining week as anything can and does turn up around here….. Despite the sedentary birding I think of it as a few weeks spent around Cley or Minsmere in early May.
Good birding -
Laurie -