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Essex WeBS request for your assistance (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
N.b. I am posting this message on behalf of the WeBS Essex Local Organiser. Please do not reply to this post if you want to contact him, use the contact details below. :t:


I have recently taken on the role of WeBS Local Organiser for Essex (Other) Sites; please note this does not include the major estuarine sites that are covered individually by other Local Organisers.

I am publicising the need for counters for the WeBS scheme in Essex; to facilitate this I have created a web page map that shows all the currently identified sites and their current status:


Counts are undertaken once a month over the Autumn to Spring period, on, or as near as possible to, specific dates. Each counter receives a pack of information on how the counts are conducted, and I am able to provide extra support where needed.

Information about the WeBS scheme can be found here:


My contact details can be found here under Essex:


Please consider using your birding experience to benefit the WeBS scheme. It can also be a great way to get to know a particular patch, one already known to you, or entirely new.


Gavin Foster
WeBS Local Organiser for Essex (Other Sites)
Warning! This thread is more than 10 years ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.

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