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Estonia - May 2015 (1 Viewer)


Virtually unknown member
United Kingdom
I am thinking about my spring birding trip for next year and Estonia is a possibility. Is mid-May a good time? As well as general birding, my target species would be:

Hazel Hen
Lesser Spotted Eagle
Ural Owl
Tengmalm's Owl
Grey-headed Woodpecker
White-backed Woodpecker
Three-toed Woodpecker
Red-throated Pipit
River Warbler
Red-breasted Flycatcher

Thanks in anticipation for any help.
Hi Pete,

Any time to bird in Estonia is good :). Mid May is good for breeding passerines, who arrive around that time. River Warbler and Red-breasted Flycatcher on your list, but also Citrine Wagtail, Penduline Tit, Greenish Warbler, Blyth's Reed Warbler etc.

For woodpeckers first half of April would be better. In mid May they usually have chicks in the nest and become quite secretive. But we have a lot of woodpeckers so it is possible to find some still.

Hazel Grouse, LSE, Ural Owl all quite common. Tengmalm`s Owl is quite uncommon and can be very difficult to find. Red-throated Pipit passes through in small numbers in middle of May.
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