Cornish mouse
Well-known member

I'm nearing the end of my first month of birding and feeling like I have hit a wall as have reached the limit of the birds I'm likely to trip over in my local area. If I want to add to my life list and reach my goal of 100 birds by Christmas (currently at 61) I'm going to have to start planning my searches, going to unfamiliar places and probably taking the time to sit quiet and be patient for prolonged time (not something I excel at 🤣). This evening I dragged myself up to the north coast and took a walk down the gannel hoping to see some wading and other marsh birds and perhaps some different sea birds. I was able to add a redshank and a whimbrel to my list. I do wonder if I'm seeing other types of gulls in amongst our huge herring gull population but I'm never sure enough. Has anyone got any advice on gull identification and what I'm likely to see in the Cornwall area? Currently have herring gull, black headed gull and yellow legged gull on my list.
This weekend I'm going to do a little paddleboarding around the coast so fingers crossed for some new sea birds
This weekend I'm going to do a little paddleboarding around the coast so fingers crossed for some new sea birds