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Exposure System stops, as the DLrs is mounted on a T2-adapter (1 Viewer)

I recently bought a spotting scope.
The bought-T2 adapter fits my DSLR. If I put my camera on the scope-mount, the system of my camera says 'No lens present'.
The shutter-lock can I override in the set-up. But no way I can use A-priority. A few shots taken, the EXIF suggest that the camera uses a f1/1.

So I can only influences the shutterspeed, by playing with the ISO-value. There is a lot of 'noise' in the pictures. Does any one knows how to solve these challenge.

P.S. My scope requires a fixed f1/5.4.

Regards, Martin
My camera is a Konica Minolta Dynax 5D. That is compatible with a Sony Alpha DLRS in technical point of view. The lensmount is compatible with a Sony A-mount.

Greetings, Martin
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