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Female Common Goldeneyes with Group of Male/Female Greater Scaups? (1 Viewer)


New member
Hey there!

I'm new to birding, so there are still many basics I don't know yet. So bear with me if I'm missing some obvious stuff.

Yesterday, I was out at a seaside park in Fukuoka (which in south-west Japan). I saw a big flock of ducks off the coast (maybe 100 or so) and identified them to be mostly greater scaups. Among them though, I saw two very different types of females: one was clearly greater scaups, but the other looked like female common goldeneyes (in particular, there was no white at the base of the bill). However, there wasn't a single male common goldeneye to be found. I was surprised by this distribution... Is this a common behavior for female ducks to group up with males/females of another duck species but with no males of their own species? Alternatively, is it more likely that I've misidentified winter->summer transitioning plumage of female greater scaups as a female common goldeneye?

Thanks in advance for your help!

A first winter male would resemble an adult female in terms of plumage but with a much reduced or no white patch at the base of the bill.

The bill size and shape is different between the two species.
No worries. Sorry, perhaps I should have explained the term but at least it gave you the chance for a bit of research!

Welcome to the forum by the way.
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