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From Costa Rica (5 Viewers)


Well-known member
what is this bird ?
A oriole, and if so which one ?
Thank you
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, January.
Photo of a friend.


  • Costa Rica.jpg
    Costa Rica.jpg
    89.9 KB · Views: 97
Perhaps, with no certainty, female orchard oriole. It would be easier if we could see the back /wings. This suggestion based on apparent short tail (compared with other species), hint (?) of white wing bars on the portion of wing we can see, general ground colour. But this could be completely wrong!
Isn't it more likely something like a female Warbler?

Edit: Juv Tennessee Warbler?

Looks too elongated for the obvious candidates to me [summer, scarlet tanager, yellow warbler] with too long a tail even if short for most orioles. Think colours wrong for yellow warbler. I did consider other things but decided that oriole was most likely after all...

edit: for tennessee warbler, I'd expect to see a paler vent area and (even with this view) some evidence of the supercilium. Still think tail is too long...
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Does the friend have the possibility of providing additional photos whatever their quality?

Based on this photo alone.... I'd tend to agree with the warbler suggestion and perhaps even the Tenn warbler suggestion.

But perhaps it's telling that the guide said Baltimore Oriole. Unless incompetent or really not bothering, it would be difficult to mistake an oriole for a warbler when you're actually looking at the bird (trying to judge a single photo is another matter)
But perhaps it's telling that the guide said Baltimore Oriole. Unless incompetent or really not bothering, it would be difficult to mistake an oriole for a warbler when you're actually looking at the bird (trying to judge a single photo is another matter)

Do Icterids 'nectar', I've never seen it?

The bird to me, just does not look like an Oriole.
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But perhaps it's telling that the guide said Baltimore Oriole. Unless incompetent or really not bothering, it would be difficult to mistake an oriole for a warbler when you're actually looking at the bird (trying to judge a single photo is another matter)

Too many unknowns to go on that, eg the guide might have been looking at a different bird
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