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From my Manhattan Window (2 Viewers)


I have some catching up to do. Right after my last post, I saw an Eastern towhee and a wood thrush. Among the warblers, I have seen an American redstart, a warbling vireo and a blue headed vireo. I also managed to see a least flycatcher.

Stay safe,
towhee, etc.jpgwood thrush.jpgAmerican Redstarts.jpgwarbling vireo.jpgblue headed vireo.jpgLeast flycatcher.jpg
Hello All,

I have seen a few more birds in the last few days. I have seen a Nashville warbler, a Wilson's warbler, a blue winged warbler, many ovenbirds, and gadwalls, on both Turtle Pond and the Reservoir.

I have not been in airplane for more than two years, but last week, I was up in the clouds at a reception near the top of the Liberty tower, aka One World Trade Center. At the end of the reception the clouds cleared enough for views of the city.

Nashville warbler.jpgWilson's warbler.jpgblue winged.jpgovenbird.jpggadwall, male.jpggadwall,female.jpgFrom one WTC.jpeg

Stay safe,
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In the past ten days, I have seen a few more species. First of all, I managed to catch up with a white crowned sparrow, and the last of the northern waterthrushes.

Today, I had glimpses of a great horned owl, a scarlet tanager and a Baltimore oriole.
White crowned sparrow.jpgnorthern waterthrush.jpgnorthern waterthrush.jpgGreat horned owl.jpgScarlet Tanager.jpgoriole, Baltimore.jpg

Stay safe,

It seems that I have to catch up on my new sightings. Last week, I did see chestnut sided, magnolia and Canada Warblers. My attention was drawn to a red eyed vireo and a northern parulawarbler, chestnut sided.jpgwarbler, magnolia.jpgCanada warbler.jpgRed eyed vireo.jpgNorthern Parula.jpgCuckoo, yellow billed.jpg. I also heard a yellow billed cuckoo.

I might have seen a Swainson's thrush but this week I had another glimpse of the great horned owl and even a male wood duck, my favourite waterfowl.

Stay safe,
A male Wood Duck is one of my faves as well Arthur.

Sounds as though you had some great sightings Arthur.
Take care.

The warblers have gone. Until the end of August, I do not expect to see much new of interest, only the occasional new thrush or flycatcher. Of which, I did see a great crested flycatcher, on Sunday.

Stay safe,

Flycatcher, great crested.jpg

One of those annual events which always please me, occurred. last week, I spotted a kingbird nest, at the west end of Turtle Pond, close to the Delacorte Theatre. Today, I clearly saw one kingbird on the nest and another nearby. Today, I spotted a Baltimore oriole nest and a nearby oriole.


Stay safe,

In addition to Eastern kingbird nest, my attention was drawn to a nest of great crested flycatchers, last week. [See post 909] Both nests have chicks, with the parents engaged in bringing food. Today, I did see a great crested flycatcher chick but the kingbirds' nest is high in a tree and is obscured by leaves. Also today, I saw a fledgling blue jay and its parent.

This is the season of New York bird watchers' discontent: plenty of birds and few species.

blue jay.jpg

Stay safe,

I forgot to mention that yesterday, I thought that I saw a killdeer, only my second sighting, ever.


Stay safe,

The great crested flycatcher chicks have met with misfortune: one was eaten by a rat; the other was injured and taken to a wild bird recovery facility.

The eastern kingbirds are very busy at the nest, bringing dragonflies and other tidbits to their young, attracting people who had little interest in bird watching. I have directed several people to their site.

Stay safe,
Reading BOW entries for many species, it’s always sobering to see the often high failure rates for birds trying to raise young!
Nature is tough…

Other folks have been seeing early warblers: American redstarts and vireos. I have to be content with seeing a small flock of American black ducks on Turtle Pond. The Eastern Kingbird chicks have fledged and the nest is abandoned, although I saw a kingbird, yesterday.

American black duck.jpg

Stay safe,

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