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FZ300 can't see through lens in the movie mode (1 Viewer)


New member
United States
Hi, I'm new - I usually fish but also have been doing some bird videos during this Winter. I bought the Panasonic FZ300 several months ago, and am just now diving into the menus, specifically with Graham Houghton's You tube videos. He steered me through some settings in the movie mode on the dial getting to the cine options. Now that I'm partially set up, I can see the settings on the LCD screen or the viewfinder but that's it, cannot see through the lens and trying to figure out why. I see this camera is popular, it's been great for me otherwise but I don't get why I can't get off the settings screen in movie mode back to seeing through the lens. Any ideas for those familiar with the camera? Much appreciated, and I've become an avid birdwatcher.
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I'm sure someone will be by shortly with some suggestions.
Hi, I'm new - I usually fish but also have been doing some bird videos during this Winter. I bought the Panasonic FZ300 several months ago, and am just now diving into the menus, specifically with Graham Houghton's You tube videos. He steered me through some settings in the movie mode on the dial getting to the cine options. Now that I'm partially set up, I can see the settings on the LCD screen or the viewfinder but that's it, cannot see through the lens and trying to figure out why. I see this camera is popular, it's been great for me otherwise but I don't get why I can't get off the settings screen in movie mode back to seeing through the lens. Any ideas for those familiar with the camera? Much appreciated, and I've become an avid birdwatcher.
I have the FZ200, but would be surprised if things were so different in your camera. All I do is turn the dial to the right of the viewfinder to the video/movie setting. Then I'm asked which option I want A,S,etc. so I click on one of them and that's it. I see the settings and the view at the same time. Unless I forget to remove the lens cover. So check whether that cover is still on. Had that problem once with another camera!
If things still don't work out, check the instructions.
Left the lens cap on?
No, sorry for the late reply. Lens cap is off. When I turn the dial to the move camera icon with the M beside it and the lens cap is off everything is dark looking through viewfinder or LCD screen. The only thing that lightens it up is the highest ISO or lightening up the exposure to the max. I'm completely puzzled unless it's a flaw with this particular camera. Everything other shooting mode works fine.
I don't have this camera, but does the M not signify that this is a manual exposure mode, albeit for video?

In manual mode for stills (on any camera), if you have a high shutter speed set and/or the lens is stopped down, then everything can appear dark through the viewfinder unless you manually raise the ISO to compensate. The camera won't make the adjustments for you.

Try manually opening the lens to its widest aperture and bumping up the ISO. The more you raise it, the brighter the view should become.

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