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FZ330 (FZ00) Tele Conversion Lens Questions (1 Viewer)


I've had my FZ330 for just under a year and have certainly made good use of it. I like that it has a fixed range aperture at full zoom, but do wish I could go a little further as it is only 12mp and cropping can be limited.

I've kept thinking about upgrading to something like the FZ2000, but the price is too much given the amount I use it. Until just recently, I didn't realise you could extend the zoom range with a tele conversion lens. I just want confirmation on weather these two parts are correct for what I need for the FZ330.

I also tend to prefer using a tripod for videos and with the lens extended this far, i would want the thread on axis with it.

So I could do with a tripod mount ring lens collar. But I don't know what to look for in terms of one that will fit this camera and it's adaptor and conversion lens.

Anyone had experience with any of this setup with this camera?

I just want confirmation on weather these two parts are correct for what I need for the FZ330.

I still have the FZ330 and I bought the Panasonic LT55E converter and the adaptor you have in your post. It is a 1.7 teleconverter, but there are other options and from memory I think you can buy something with more zoom that is compatible.

It worked fine, no problems, easy to fit. 'Didn't really alter the image quality as far as I could tell. I know you're dealing with more glass when you fit these things, but as I say I didn't notice a degradation in quality when fitted.

I really liked the FZ330, 'felt like a proper camera as opposed to the P950 which feels a bit plastic. The lens is better too. 'Just felt a bit out of range at times.

Anyway, short answer: I bought exactly what is in your post and they worked fine.
Thanks for the info. Just need to also look into a way of mounting it to my tripod as it will be very unbalenced if I use the cameras thread.

'Not sure about that, mate.

In terms of 'unbalanced' I'm assuming you mean because of the increased zoom.

I'm not sure what the problem is here because I have a three legged monopod for the P950, which is 2000m zoom as opposed to your approx. 1000mm zoom when you have the converter fitted. I've only had the monopod with me a few times but there's no issue with the camera being unbalanced. In fact, I was surprised at just how still the camera is when taking pictures as a result of having the monopod attached.

Maybe you mean unbalanced for some other reason.
I'll see if I can explain, as then I'm sure you will get what I mean.

I very often record video when filming birds, and for that, tripods are always the better way in terms of getting stable footage. This camera currently has an off axis thread (not in line with the lens) which can cause some unwanted issues when panning during a video. Currently with the lens fully extended, the centre of gravity for the lens and body is within the circle highlighted. With the additional weight of the adaptor and lens attached, it will be further down still.

The issue I face is when I want to pan and tilt my camera. If you have the tripod very loose (which you would want during a video that you pan and tilt in) the cameras unbalanced weight will always tilt it forwards due to the positioning of the thread. I want to be able to leave it loose so you can very easily pan it in any direction you want with no effort.

This is why I'm wanting something like this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/iShoot-Sup...ea7-4a50-a94d-a5d7a084a3f9&pd_rd_i=B0892C3S52

I'm just not sure what size fits the camera. For doing videos, I'm currently limited to having to tighten and tighten the tripod arm each time I want to move, which leads to very shaky video footage!

For photos, something like this isn't as necessary, even for the P950, but if you do video and use tripods, you may even find it useful if you can find the right one.


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I'll see if I can explain, as then I'm sure you will get what I mean.

I very often record video when filming birds, and for that, tripods are always the better way in terms of getting stable footage. This camera currently has an off axis thread (not in line with the lens) which can cause some unwanted issues when panning during a video. Currently with the lens fully extended, the centre of gravity for the lens and body is within the circle highlighted. With the additional weight of the adaptor and lens attached, it will be further down still.

The issue I face is when I want to pan and tilt my camera. If you have the tripod very loose (which you would want during a video that you pan and tilt in) the cameras unbalanced weight will always tilt it forwards due to the positioning of the thread. I want to be able to leave it loose so you can very easily pan it in any direction you want with no effort.

This is why I'm wanting something like this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/iShoot-Sup...ea7-4a50-a94d-a5d7a084a3f9&pd_rd_i=B0892C3S52

I'm just not sure what size fits the camera. For doing videos, I'm currently limited to having to tighten and tighten the tripod arm each time I want to move, which leads to very shaky video footage!

For photos, something like this isn't as necessary, even for the P950, but if you do video and use tripods, you may even find it useful if you can find the right one.

I'm not the right person for this one as I don't use the video feature.

I noticed you're looking at the products from Wex. If you speak to them I reckon they'll answer your question. Whenever I've spoken to them I've left with the impression that they've been around cameras for a long time and know what they're talking about.
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