Hi mairon,
Welcome to Bird Forum :t:
I've copied your query into the Information Wanted section where it may attract more replies. We sometimes visit this area as well and are overdue a revisit - we usually spend a week near Castle Douglas.
There's was a walk around and old castle on an island with a boat trip nearby - can't recall it's name - but Wood Warbler, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Pied Flycatcher and Buzzard all gave close views as well as loads of Swallow, House Martin, Oystercater and Common Sandpiper.
Check out the information centre by Clatteringshaw loch - I think that's where we picked up a few useful leaflets last visit - it's the leaflet referred to at the bottom of the Wildlife Sites on the link below. There's a Red Kite trail nearby though the feeding station near Laurieston was the best spot for close views of Kites and Buzzard.
Each visit we see Golden Eagle above the Red Deer Range - you get good close views of the deer as well.
This site has some very useful places to visit -
Natural History in Galloway
I'd strongly reccomend RSPB Woods of Cree - we had a fantastic visit. We saw loads of Great Spotted Woodpecker, Pied Flycatcher and Wood Warbler. The pools by the car park held otter as well.
Cream of Galloway ice cream is well worth calling into as well - apart form the gorgeous ice cream - they have a wildlife reserve with a short walk which was very productive for several species.
Wigtown was well worth a visit for the Osprey camera as well as the hide by the bay. On the drive around the bay from Dumfries we saw Barn Owl a couple of times as Osprey feeding over the bay. South of Wigtown we was Black Guillemot.