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Garden/Yard List 2022 (1 Viewer)

And a Happy New Year to you all, just begun my 2022 effort but the fireworks next door are making it a tricky start!
Yes a HNY to all!….wondering if Tawny owl will be the “first” to vent it’s spleen on all these “wizz bangs!”…….I’ll keep an “ear out” 🍷👍

…..and it did!….at 12.12am…. no.1. 👍
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Happy New Year, everybody. Well, try, try, again. I'm not planning on moving this year, and I have a sunny strip of a garden to putter in, so I'll be out a bit more. I will still not have much of a list, but I did get a few unexpected visitors the past year.
1. American Crow
2. Mourning Dove
Happy New Year, everybody. Well, try, try, again. I'm not planning on moving this year, and I have a sunny strip of a garden to putter in, so I'll be out a bit more. I will still not have much of a list, but I did get a few unexpected visitors the past year.
1. American Crow
2. Mourning Dove
Well, hello, Sue! And Happy New Year to you.
Yes, thanks, how's things your way?
Very good, thank-you. My navigator seems to have beaten several cancers and is doing well. We don't do much these days. Went to Mexico for two weeks just before Christmas. Peregrine is still moored there. We haven't got the strength to sail her up, so she's left as a floating condo. We are still living in Leisure World in Seal Beach, CA. Gene is very happy here. I would rather have a place a bit farther from 'civilization', but we are where we need to be right now.
May you always have wind in your sails Sue:)
A pretty good haul here in the ridiculously mild weather, the Blackbirds and Robins seem to have melted away with the snow, two unexpected absences today.
Managed a day total of 27 species despite those two missing, best bird (you may be surprised to hear) was a Woodpigeon, my first sighting since 7 October - they don’t like it cold and snowy so are hard to find here in winter. A House Sparrow and a pair of Hawfinch the other goodies and we managed a full house of Marsh, Willow, Crested, Coal, Blue and Great Tit plus a single Long-tailed Tit.
1 Sparrowhawk
Common Buzzard
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Green Woodpecker
Mistle Thrush
Long tailed Tit
Marsh Tit
Willow Tit
Crested Tit
Coal Tit
Blue Tit
Great Tit
Alpine Chough
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow
27 Yellowhammer
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Happy New Year to all garden/yard listers on here, and best wishes for a few garden surprises.

I spent the afternoon in my garden, no surprises but.......

January 1st
1. Robin
2. Carrion Crow
4. Goldfinch
5. Magpie
6. Mistle Thrush
7. Feral Pigeon
8. Woodpigeon
9. Redwing
10. Starling
11. Rook
12. Black-headed Gull
13. Chaffinch
14. Common Gull
15. Blackbird
16. Collared Dove
17. Jackdaw -
150 flying to roost
18. Lesser Black-backed Gull
19. Siskin
20. Blue Tit
21. Pied Wagtail
22. Great Tit
23. Wren
24. Little Egret
Very good, thank-you. My navigator seems to have beaten several cancers and is doing well. We don't do much these days. Went to Mexico for two weeks just before Christmas. Peregrine is still moored there. We haven't got the strength to sail her up, so she's left as a floating condo. We are still living in Leisure World in Seal Beach, CA. Gene is very happy here. I would rather have a place a bit farther from 'civilization', but we are where we need to be right now.
Good to hear that Gene's OK, and that Peregrine is still with you. And there are a lot worse places than CA to spend your time in - I see you have a wildlife preserve very close, too.
Looking forward to another year of corresponding with friends around the world.
Yes a HNY to all!….wondering if Tawny owl will be the “first” to vent it’s spleen on all these “wizz bangs!”…….I’ll keep an “ear out” 🍷👍

…..and it did!….at 12.12am…. no.1. 👍
Added a further 24 species to the Tawny Owl for the day., hopefully another 70+ species to go…….🙏
I must try and be a bit more regular posting here this year. I finished last year on 106, coincidentally the same number as 2020. 98 in 2019, so anything over 💯 is my target.
9 new birds last year, not expecting as many this year.
Started 2021 with 29 species. A bit of a lacklustre effort this morning. Lots of obvious gaps, which I found a bit depressing if I’m honest. Was looking forward to kicking the new garden year list off.
No real surprise, though hearing the/a Blackcap that I saw a few times in December was good - none wintered last year, though they have in the past.
Drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker was obviously enjoying the mild weather, the first I’ve heard this ‘Spring.’
My Little Grebes (up to 5, on and off last month) were a no show, firework related?
A singing ‘crest, which goes down as a Goldcrest for the time being, has not given itself up to definitive views, so I live in hopes that it may be something better. 😉
~60 Fieldfare were also a bonus, never common in the winter, strangely.
Finally Yellow-legged Gull was also good, though not at all uncommon in the Pig-fields roundabout.
Oddly, BH, I had a probable Yellow-legged Gull here on new years eve, very rare here, and didn't count it on flyover views.

Today I only added 3 new species, Kestrel, Black-headed Gull & Fieldfare.
Got to go to work now.
I think that's 30 + Feral Pigeon, if you insist on counting those!
View attachment 1422465
I must try and be a bit more regular posting here this year. I finished last year on 106, coincidentally the same number as 2020. 98 in 2019, so anything over 💯 is my target.
9 new birds last year, not expecting as many this year.
Started 2021 with 29 species. A bit of a lacklustre effort this morning. Lots of obvious gaps, which I found a bit depressing if I’m honest. Was looking forward to kicking the new garden year list off.
No real surprise, though hearing the/a Blackcap that I saw a few times in December was good - none wintered last year, though they have in the past.
Drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker was obviously enjoying the mild weather, the first I’ve heard this ‘Spring.’
My Little Grebes (up to 5, on and off last month) were a no show, firework related?
A singing ‘crest, which goes down as a Goldcrest for the time being, has not given itself up to definitive views, so I live in hopes that it may be something better. 😉
~60 Fieldfare were also a bonus, never common in the winter, strangely.
Finally Yellow-legged Gull was also good, though not at all uncommon in the Pig-fields roundabout.
Where (roughly if you like) is your garden please?
Where (roughly if you like) is your garden please?
I live on (literally, the river runs through our property) the River Lark in Mildenhall, edge of the Fens & Brecks.
The garden is shared, with other properties on the estate. I generally take a coffee out with me in the morning and walk along the narrow stretch of river that runs west, then along the western fence line that borders some scrub. Across the road I can see the river before it comes under our property, and an area of flooded Carr woodland.
The whole estate is c.10,000 square metres. That’s my patch.
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