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Geese at Caerlaverock (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
We are off to Southwest Scotland for hols at end of September. Will we be too early to see the over-wintering geese arrive? Could anybody recommend a touring caravan site in that area please?
Couple of good sites at/near Gatehouse of Fleet which we have used over the years and its a central location for many of the birding sites both coastal and inland.

You may be just to early for the geese arrival.

The Barnacle geese usually return in early October.

If you want to see other geese - any time of year - you can pick up plenty of "feral" Greylags and Cananda Geese around Crossmichael or, probably better, around the Duchrae farm area (see RSPB web site for details of Ken-Dee Marshes).

Also, Clatteringshaws Loch, on the road from Newton Stewart to New Galloway can hold large numbers of post-breeding Greylags.

Sorry can't help with info re touring caravan sites but I believe the site at Brighouse Bay (between Kirkcudbright and Borgue) is highly rated - but don't take my word for it!!

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