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Ghana trip (1 Viewer)

Andy Adcock

Worst person on Birdforum
Umm al-Qaiwan
I'm tentatively looking at a 3 weeker from Dec-Jan and was hoping restrictions would be lifted, they have been but this is a notice to foreigners, planning a trip and it may just put me off.

COVID - 19 measures put in place to make our operations safe for our cherish clients who wil l travel with
us in Ghana .
1. Negative Covid 19 PCI text results , fro m a credible laboratory in your country of origin (Not more
than 72 hours before departure).
2. Compulsory Face Mask through ou t you r days in Ghana while traveling with us (While in your
room you are free to remove it).
3. Covid 19 text will be effected on arrival at the Airport (fee apply).
4. People with Covid 19 on arrival will be handed to the Health department for further treatment.
5. Social Distance will be maintained while traveling to keep all of us safe.
6. Hand Sanitizers will be available to be used at all times.
7. T he car will be disinfected when ever we gets out of the car to make it safe for us.
8. Washable mask must be washed as soon as we get back to th e hotel as well as cloths to keep us
9. Clean and Standard Hotels will be used throughout on the tour to avoid contamination.
10. It is advisable to wear Hand Gloves and Long Sleeves as it will keep us safe if in case you touch
Failure t o obe y these precautions will lead to Arrest, P ros ecution and F ine, and could lea d to tour
cancellation with no re f und .
Not exactly an open arms welcome to the return of tourists.

Virtually all countries that are allowing in any tourists, and there are not many, are imposing similar restrictions, ie covid testing in the days before visiting, isolation, social distancing, etc
Virtually all countries that are allowing in any tourists, and there are not many, are imposing similar restrictions, ie covid testing in the days before visiting, isolation, social distancing, etc

The EU and the UK are only insisting on a period of isolation, not two, expensive tests, one at each end.

Neither am I inclined to be wandering around a hot country, birding, wearing a mask and rubber gloves!

Looks like I'll be waiting for things to normalise, if they ever do, a pity because some people are desperate for the income it will bring.
The EU and the UK are only insisting on a period of isolation, not two, expensive tests, one at each end.

Neither am I inclined to be wandering around a hot country, birding, wearing a mask and rubber gloves!

Most EU countries are not even permitting entry to non-EU citizens, and some have again closed their borders even to EU citizens (eg Hungary). And, depending on the level of Coronavirus in the departure country, many are insisting on a test prior to arrival. In all three Baltic States countries for example, all foreigners (incl EU citizens) must have a certified negative test result within the 48 hours prior to arrival if coming from a country with over 25 cases/100000 population, and you still need to isolate for 14 days. If the rate is 16-25 cases/100000, then test not needed, but still must isolate for 14 days. Currently there are only four countries worldwide that can visit the Baltics without any restrictions :)

Mask wearing across the EU for visitors is the same as for residents, compulsory in some areas, not in others.
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Making people take a Covid test before they are allowed to embark, seems a pointless, waste of time and money to me, if they're going to test you on arrival? A negative test 72hrs before departure means absolutely nothing three days later.

How would insurers deal with a positive test, prior to departure? You wouldn't be allowed to travel so could you get a refund, I suppose you'd have to check before you pay for cover?
How would insurers deal with a positive test, prior to departure? You wouldn't be allowed to travel so could you get a refund, I suppose you'd have to check before you pay for cover?

Many insurers are excluding coronavirus from cover, so you would need to check your policy carefully. Additionally, many insurance policies would become void if you are travelling to a country that your government has advised against travel to, again the policy needs to be checked carefully.
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What everyone considering a tour now faces, is the potential for the last minute loss of your trip if travelling to a country that requires testing before embarkation is allowed. Even then, a negative test before you leave, does not guarantee a negative test on arrival and in the event of a positive test, not only will you lose your tour, but you'll almost ceartainly be quarantined and probably have to pay for the privilege and, not be able to recoup any of it from your insurance.

Being tested on arrival with an as yet unknown fee to be paid for said test and the almost guaranteed chaos and delay in terminals which will result, how many people will risk travel under these circumstances?

I really feel for those whose income has ceased and with no sign of imminent resumption.
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Honestly, I wouldn't consider a foreign trip until next summer at the earliest. Many folks in the healthcare community are worrying that a second wave may emerge around then, as weather turns and more people congregate inside (and flu season kicks in).

Besides, how much of a vacation does that sound like?
Honestly, I wouldn't consider a foreign trip until next summer at the earliest. Many folks in the healthcare community are worrying that a second wave may emerge around then, as weather turns and more people congregate inside (and flu season kicks in).

Besides, how much of a vacation does that sound like?

I agree but I've been stuck at home with a toddler since March, I'm desperate!

A further note on the above, Wales, is said to be considering testing some incoming passengers at Cardiff airport, I wonder if the individuals will have to pay for this as is the case in Ghana, or will it fall on the local tax payer?
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It sucks.

I had planned to go for a few months to the USA this spring for a ~4 month hike (+birding) but obviously had to cancel. So my hope was on 2021. But as things stand at this moment I'm very pessimistic, even without a possible civil war breaking out.
I've booked for Peru next year in November only £50 deposit so not much to lose if the situation hasn't improved.
I'm going to Sweden on Friday. Keeping my fingers firmly crossed that nothing goes wrong. I know I will have to quarantine on return to the UK.
A further note on the above, Wales, is said to be considering testing some incoming passengers at Cardiff airport, I wonder if the individuals will have to pay for this as is the case in Ghana, or will it fall on the local tax payer ?

It'll probably be covered by the dear old NHS in the first instance but in turn the local tax payer foots the bill via our everyday taxes
It'll probably be covered by the dear old NHS in the first instance but in turn the local tax payer foots the bill via our everyday taxes

Since I got the thing from Ghana, I've been looking at the cost of tests. They seem to come in at £2-300 inclusive of the actual kit and the test. No idea what they intend to charge at that Ghanaian end but it adds a significant wedge to the trip as well as the uncertainty.
"Airport re-opening: Travellers to Ghana to pay $150 as Covid-19 testing fee."


Thanks Xeno,
just got this from the tour operator too.

'We got information from Ghana Airport concerning the Covid 19 text.
It`s $ 150 for the text. But people are raising concern over it so maybe it will come down.

So the Adventure Birding Tours team is giving out some relief to our cherished customers. When you are able to get the Covid text results from your country, Adventure Birding Tours will take the cost of the text in Ghana to balance the weight a little bit for our customers.'

A decent gesture but it won't remove the uncertainty of a potential, positive test on arrival which is game over, tour lost as it would be if you domestic test was positive.

Reading the article at the link you attached, I said to my wife that there will be some beneficiary, finacially, to the testing procedure in Ghana and the lasts paragraph confirms the ulterior motive! Passengers have already paid a tax within their airfare which goes to airports, this is just another 'stealth tax'.
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I agree but I've been stuck at home with a toddler since March, I'm desperate!

A further note on the above, Wales, is said to be considering testing some incoming passengers at Cardiff airport, I wonder if the individuals will have to pay for this as is the case in Ghana, or will it fall on the local tax payer?

Oh trust me, I have been endlessly reading birding tour company reports and fantasizing this week about birding in places outside my State!

I might try to pull off a in-country trip over winter or thanksgiving break, depending on the situation. Perhaps it would be worth considering a break closer to home?
Oh trust me, I have been endlessly reading birding tour company reports and fantasizing this week about birding in places outside my State!

I might try to pull off a in-country trip over winter or thanksgiving break, depending on the situation. Perhaps it would be worth considering a break closer to home?

For what they're cgharging for domestic holidays here right now, it's cheaper to fly to Africa!

Not only that, unless a 'mega' turns up, I'm unlikely to see anything new.
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