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Ghana trip (1 Viewer)

We hummed and hawed about taking our usual trip to somewhere warm, sunny, with birds, history and hiking. Eventually we just decided to do an extensive tour of the South West of England (and hope that none of that is declared a Covid hot-spot!) So, starting at Slimbridge on Saturday and working south from there :) Unlikely to see many/any new birds, but will still be enjoyable. (Unless the weather turns, in which case, we'll probably head to somewhere drier, like Norfolk.

Enjoy, just be slightly aware that the south has been busier than usual this year, often spectacularly so! Things will hopefully be easing off now with summer hols over etc.

I've had a surprisingly good year in search of wildlife and flowers along the coast and New Forest, but wow it's been busy within 100 metres of any car park!
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Enjoy, just be slightly aware that the south has been busier than usual this year, often spectacularly so! Things will hopefully be easing off now with summer hols over etc.

I've had a surprisingly good year in search of wildlife and flowers along the coast and New Forest, but wow it's been busy within 100 metres of any car park!

The very thing that put me off doing a 'staycation', that and the exhorbitant prices being charged by many hoteliers and associated businesses.

I've got some 'me' time when the wife takes our toddler to Russia over the Orthodox Christmas and New year so looks like I'll have to do something last minute if possible. I'm certainly not shelling out a stack of cash in advance, with the higher than average chance of losing it.
It seems, from current news articles, getting a Covid test unless you are symptomatic, is actually pretty difficult in the UK right now so I doubt that saying you needed it to go on holiday, would get you very far, hence my commnent above regarding private stocks of test kits..
Many non-symptomatic people must be having tests as the results are running something like 2500-3000 cases out of around 175,000 tests done.
Many non-symptomatic people must be having tests as the results are running something like 2500-3000 cases out of around 175,000 tests done.

There is targeted testing of asymptomatic individuals in spike areas. There is talk of increasing capacity & trials of 20 & 90 minute tests that are proceeding well (apparently).

Stay safe
For a little bit of crazy . . . Hong Kong has offered free tests. 1.33 million people have taken them, and just 21 have been found to be carriers.

Also going stir crazy, but local patching has its rewards now that autumn has kicked in.

Many non-symptomatic people must be having tests as the results are running something like 2500-3000 cases out of around 175,000 tests done.

From another thread, posted by Nutty.

'And of the truly pathetic operation of testing in UK . . .

Tottenham constituent told to drive to Inverness for their test:

East Dulwich (south London) constituent told to WALK to St Andrews, Fife, for their test:

No wonder UK is currently claiming a fairly low case rate compared to several other European countries.'
Many non-symptomatic people must be having tests as the results are running something like 2500-3000 cases out of around 175,000 tests done.

Not sure Steve,
this could be through an abundance of caution with every one who has even the suggestion of a single symptom, being tested.
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Off topic I know but does everybody see the 'Beautiful Bra that's also comfortable' advert at the end of this thread, or is it for some daft reason targeted at certain people including me?

Off topic I know but does everybody see the 'Beautiful Bra that's also comfortable' advert at the end of this thread, or is it for some daft reason targeted at certain people including me?


Adverts at the top are targeted I believe but thanks for the laugh in difficult times. :king:
Long live artificial intelligence! A few years ago, a few of my blue tit videos were taken down by a Youtube moderation bot. They got restored after I pointed out that a blue tit is a bird species, including a link to this species on the RSPB site. True story.
Off topic I know but does everybody see the 'Beautiful Bra that's also comfortable' advert at the end of this thread, or is it for some daft reason targeted at certain people including me?


The adverts stop when you end your subscription to 'Top Tottie' magazine I believe Steve.

Seriously, I don't see any ads at all?
Current adverts are Pendo (whatever that is) at the top of the page and Dell laptops after the last post.

I would much prefer not to see any, so I wonder what you are doing different Andy.

Current adverts are Pendo (whatever that is) at the top of the page and Dell laptops after the last post.

I would much prefer not to see any, so I wonder what you are doing different Andy.


Running two adblockers, Adblock and Adblock Plus, both icons are visible at all times and both, show the same number of blocked ads, specific to each site you're viewing.

By comparison, Youtube, five blocked, Amazon, two blocked, Ebay, eight blocked, Birdforum, thirteen blocked, all since logon an hour ago.

The site owner will tell you that the site costs him money to run so the adverts help fund it's continued survival.
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Back to testing, there is no way that I'd book a trip which depended on me being able to get a test, they just don't seem widely, reliably available.


Nobody has so far answered my query as to whether a 'private' supply is available for those who want / need to pay for a test but I have found a site whioch offers the servive.


They offer money back if you don't get the results in time but you'd still lose your trip if they didn't.
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Back to testing, there is no way that I'd book a trip which depended on me being able to get a test

Unfortunately, with the UK rate now above 26/100,000, that excludes you from an increasing number of European countries too, and very probably all EU countries in the very near future.
Unfortunately, with the UK rate now above 26/100,000, that excludes you from an increasing number of European countries too, and very probably all EU countries in the very near future.

Pretty much the whole of Europe is in a mess on the Worldometers numbers - https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/. On yesterday's confirmed cases, I get the UK at 22nd highest on confirmed cases per 100,000 population for yesterday. In order:-

Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia

Calculations attached. Trying to get a Webinar I sat through in a format that I can share as some interesting stats.

All the best



  • Daily Cases (11.09.20).xlsx
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