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Gray-cheeked of another Catharus thrush? - Winnipeg, MB (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; August 16, 2020

Lack of eye-ring makes Gray-cheeked Thrush my first guess.

But this is a species that is not too often seen at that season in Winnipeg (according to eBird). Also, the pictures are not very good unfortunately, and the bird seems juvenile, so I am not sure this is enough for the confident identification. But I also do not see anything that will be characteristic for a Swainson's or Hermit.

Is it at all possible to id, or it better remain Catharus sp.?

Thank you.


  • IMG_3908-thrush.JPG
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  • IMG_3911-thrush.JPG
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That first picture is very conclusive for Gray-cheeked in my opinion.

I saw the same thing on eBird, too. Looks like the species is only starting migration there in late August, for the most part. If you use eBird, this would be a nice photographed record!
That first picture is very conclusive for Gray-cheeked in my opinion.

I saw the same thing on eBird, too. Looks like the species is only starting migration there in late August, for the most part. If you use eBird, this would be a nice photographed record!

birdmeister, thank you!

I also got a response from eBird reviewer, his suggestion is this is a Veery because of the weak spotting and buffy wash on the breast, and reddish upperparts.
On a closer second look, I agree with HeadWest. I focused too much on the face, but the muted and buffy chest spots favor Veery for sure. Apologies for misleading with my "confident" ID!
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