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Green Lane and Marske Stray (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Have recently started looking around these areas more often as i live close by and decided to start a patch list, 43 so far since the start of the month.

There is a good write up about this area on the TBC website - I'm only looking a long Green Lane, in the fields and a long Marske stray up to Fox Covert.

Not too many "Highlights" so far, but have seen up to 20 Tree Sparrows, Long Tailed Tits, Bullfinch, Linnets, Loads of Oystercatchers, Red Legged Partridges, Curlew, Song Thrush and plenty of singing Skylarks all from Green Lane.

A long Marske Stray and Fox Covert i've seen Stonechat, Red Breasted Mergansers, Eider, Common Scoter, Red Throated Diver, Sanderling, Dunlin, Ringed Plovers, Knot, Razorbill and plenty of the more common Gulls (Black headed, Common, Herring, Great Black Backed).

Went along today in windy conditions, very little to see.

No sign of the Tree Sparrows, just 2 Long Tailed Tits, 20 Goldfinches, 2 Red Legged Partridge, 6 Skylarks and plenty of Oystercatchers, Crows, Rooks and Magpies.

On the beach and out at sea wasn't much better with the usual gulls and 8 Ringed Plover.
Such a nice day today, loads of Butterflies around, Small tortoiseshell, Comma and Peacock, pretty much in every location i looked at.

Started off in the wooded area near Simmons Nursery, i think it gets called Mickledales Woods, not really sure. Anyway there was the usual suspects as i made my way round in the mud.

Just on the corner where you can head towards Cat Flatt Lane, i heard a Chiffchaff and located it later on, my first of the year.

I went down Green Lane next and there wasn't a lot around really, a couple of Long Tailed Tits and plenty of Skylarks singing in the field.

On the sea front there were a lot of Meadow Pipits displaying and a few Sanderling and Turnstones on the shoreline. Out at sea there was a few small groups of Common Scoter and maybe 5 Eider.

On the way back up Green Lane i was pleased to see Tree Sparrows again, only 2-3, but still nice to know they are there.

Also saw a Meadow Pipit with very white face marking.


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Haven't been down for a while, but headed to the wooded area near the old simmons nusery as my dad had seen Lesser Whitethroat there the last few days.

Nice day for it and saw some butterflies, Speckled Wood, Peacock, Small White, Small Tortoiseshell and Comma. I usually see Orange Tip down there, but no sign.

As i carried on i heard the unmistakable Grasshopper Warbler call, i've heard them here in recent years but never seen them. So i decided to try and find this individual, which i did quite easily and was hidden quite well so didn't scare it off.

I spent a few minutes watching and listening, taking some photos and a video, before it went into the bushes.

I eventually found the very vocal Lesser Whitethroat further on but only got brief glimpses.

Had a number of Swallows go over too, Skylarks singing and various Chiffchaffs on my way round.

Video of the Grasshopper Warbler


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Have seen signs around our estate claiming someone is planning to build houses on the woodland area near Simmons Nursery :( no idea when though
pics of gropper

Haven't been down for a while, but headed to the wooded area near the old simmons nusery as my dad had seen Lesser Whitethroat there the last few days.

Nice day for it and saw some butterflies, Speckled Wood, Peacock, Small White, Small Tortoiseshell and Comma. I usually see Orange Tip down there, but no sign.
cracking gropper images!!!!
As i carried on i heard the unmistakable Grasshopper Warbler call, i've heard them here in recent years but never seen them. So i decided to try and find this individual, which i did quite easily and was hidden quite well so didn't scare it off.

I spent a few minutes watching and listening, taking some photos and a video, before it went into the bushes.

I eventually found the very vocal Lesser Whitethroat further on but only got brief glimpses.

Had a number of Swallows go over too, Skylarks singing and various Chiffchaffs on my way round.

Video of the Grasshopper Warbler
cracking gropper images!!!
cracking gropper images!!!


It's been a while since i've walked round this area, i think being able to drive now has meant i've been to South Gare a lot more lately.

But i didn't have the car the other day so i decided to have a look. It was pretty quite on the way down Green Lane, a lot of Blackbirds though. The main bird of note first time was a female Bullfinch.

The fields were full of pigeons and a few pheasants.

As i walked to the sea front, i remembered someone had seen 6 Snow Buntings, so decided to have a look. At first i noticed a smaller bird, a linnet, and somehow i missed the 7 Snow Buntings at first glance.

I decided to sit on grass and take a few photos and a video, before a dog walker scared them off, but they didn't fly too far, just round the corner i found them again on a slope and got some great views, before yet again someone else scared them off and i lost them for good that time.

I didn't take a scope, but probably should have as there was a few rafts of scoter on the sea and probably a few divers to look at, nevermind.

Another reason to take the scope was that there was little else around, other than a Grey Wagtail, possibly the same one i saw at Saltburn the previous day.

On the way back up Green Lane i was pleased to see 3 Tree Sparrows, glad to see some are still around. Also had 3 Redwings and a Chiffchaff.

When i got home i checked the garden and saw a Chiffchaff, possibly the same one i'd just seen 5 minutes earlier and this one was joined by another.



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Forgot about this thread, will see if i can keep it going a bit longer this time.

I'm taking part in the Patchwork Challenge this year for this area, but also includes my garden. I'm at 43 species so far this year, i'd be happy at reaching 100 :p

There hasn't been a Grasshopper Warbler since and now they've started building houses on one area where Sparrowhawks were nesting (most likely not in the future).

Been down today and while i didn't see much, i had a Woodcock and Grey Wagtail, both good birds for this area.

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