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Green Listing 2021 - Joint thread (1 Viewer)

Just a heads up if anyone was unaware, but the 2022 Green Listing Thread is up -

So how did this thread go? Checking the spreadsheet (link in post#11 on page 1 of this same thread) it looks like the joint total was around 581, which is a fantastic effort in many respects, and a good 5% or so of the world's birds? (I don't keep up on such things personally ;-) ).

Looks like both the UK and Europe (that's the rest of Europe aside the UK) finished on c221, which both quite respectable. A challenge to beat this in 2022 now! Thanks to all those who took part and updated.

North America reached 160, with Asia 115, South America 82 (unfortunately that was a short-lived effort) and Australia 73,

EDIT: looks like the world list needs updating with the latest entries, so will be an even higher total.
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