Bah humbug
Similar to last year, birds seen from home by foot or human-powered mechanical (eg bicycle), local patch or however far you can get from home by the same means -
A joint/collaborative thread - feel free to add your sightings throughout the year, green birding (generally human-powered (eg foot/bike), not public transport). Will add a googlesheets spreadsheet later but do use this thread for lists, sightings and highlights etc. Good luck and good birding!

Green Listing 2021 - Joint thread
Following on the theme of the previous 'lockdown listing threads' ( https://www.birdforum.net/threads/joint-bf-lockdown-listing-autumn-2020.396184/ and https://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=388090 ), a joint green listing thread, whether you are in lockdown or not, and makes it easier for...

A joint/collaborative thread - feel free to add your sightings throughout the year, green birding (generally human-powered (eg foot/bike), not public transport). Will add a googlesheets spreadsheet later but do use this thread for lists, sightings and highlights etc. Good luck and good birding!
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