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Green Listing 2022 - Joint Thread (2 Viewers)


Bah humbug
Similar to last year, birds seen from home by foot or human-powered mechanical (eg bicycle), local patch or however far you can get from home by the same means -

A joint/collaborative thread - feel free to add your sightings throughout the year, green birding (generally human-powered (eg foot/bike), not public transport). Will add a googlesheets spreadsheet later but do use this thread for lists, sightings and highlights etc. Good luck and good birding!
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My Personal List -

January 1st
Headed down to the coast on a c20 mile walk.

(Home = Mabe Burnthouse, nr Penryn, Cornwall)
1 Herring Gull
2 Jackdaw
3 Carrion Crow
(en route and College Reservoir)
4 Starling
5 Blue Tit
6 Pied Wagtail
7 Blackbird
8 Chaffinch
9 Magpie
10 Robin
11 Little Egret
12 Great Crested Grebe
13 Black-headed Gull
14 Redwing
15 Chiffchaff
16 Firecrest
17 Long-tailed Tit
18 Wren
19 Grey Heron
20 Moorhen
21 Mallard
22 Wigeon
23 Coot
24 Cormorant
25 Gadwall mf
26 Shoveler
27 Great Black-backed Gull
28 Mediterranean Gull
29 Woodpigeon
30 Nuthatch
31 Rook
32 Buzzard
(to town and Penryn River)
33 Goldfinch
34 House Sparrow
35 Redshank
36 Curlew
37 Little Grebe
38 Grey Wagtail
(Falmouth - Pendennis Point to Pennance Point)
39 Jay
40 Great Northern Diver
41 Shag
42 Turnstone
43 Gannet several fishing close inshore
44 Oystercatcher
45 Rock Pipit
46 Black Redstart f type
47 Goldcrest singing
48 Fulmar 14 on their breeding cliff
49 Song Thrush
50 Pheasant
51 Skylark
52 Dunnock
(Falmouth - Swanpool and homeward)
53 Mute Swan
54 Blackcap (3 tacking after dusk)

A low total for the day - out late, grey and windy (although mild) and busy with people at the coast, so leaves plenty for future trips!

January 2nd
55 Collared Dove
43 yesterday (not great for a 40 mile bike ride, but three Great Grey Shrikes was my highest total in years); only a Peregrine today which unfortunately wasn't an addition!

On 1 January I was in the Netherlands which involved a non-green mode of transport, although I did some cycling there to twitch a Cattle Egret and Whooper Swans (with bonus Bewick's) – quite entertaining for my old stomping grounds.
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I haven't yet counted what I saw/heard yesterday (not great numbers, but three Great Grey Shrikes was my highest total in years).
On 1 January I was in the Netherlands which involved a non-green mode of transport, although I (of course) did some cycling there.
Public transport? That should be worth a thread in it's own right ...
A slow start as I was driving for my 1 Jan sightings and it rained all day on the 2nd. But up and running now.
3 Jan
1 Robin
2 Starling
3 House Sparrow
4 Jackdaw
5 Magpie
6 Black-headed Gull
7 Lesser Black-backed Gull
8 Woodpigeon
9 Carrion Crow
4 Jan
10 Herring Gull
11 Moorhen
12 Mallard
13 Jay
14 Mute Swan
15 Feral Pigeon
16 Canada Goose
17 Grey Heron

I think Lesser Black-backed Gull and Canada Goose are the only new ones for the UK list among those - strangely enough LBBG was one of 3 species I was the first to add last year, too.
The link to the shared Googlesheets spreadsheet. I've kept all previous participants names on it for now.

The idea of this thread is definitely twofold in my opinion, with sharing your own sightings, comparing or competing with others or your own previous years tallies (much as the garden birding or 'how is your list going' threads), and feeding into a joint combined BF overall list as a bonus.

(Threefold if it encourages people to bird and get to know their local patches and areas more and four if it promotes green birding)
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My first green list

04/01/2022 (a short walk along the Dehesa´s path)

1. Mallard
2. Rock dove
3. Common woodpigeon
4. Common moorthen
5. Spanish imperial eagle (the undisputed protagonist of the day)
6. Red kite
7. Magpie
8. Great tit
9. Spotless starling
10. Song thrush
11. Robin
12. Chaffinch
13. Goldfinch
14. European serin

One question: I have added the list to the "Europe" tab of the spreadsheet. Do I also have to add my contributions to the "World" tab? I guess that's the way it is, right?
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My first green list

04/01/2022 (a short walk along the Dehesa´s path)

1. Mallard
2. Rock dove
3. Common woodpigeon
4. Common moorthen
5. Spanish imperial eagle (the undisputed protagonist of the day)
6. Red kite
7. Magpie
8. Great tit
9. Spotless starling
10. Song thrush
11. Robin
12. Chaffinch
13. Goldfinch
14. European serin

One question: I have added the list to the "Europe" tab of the spreadsheet. Do I also have to add my contributions to the "World" tab? I guess that's the way it is, right?
Welcome aboard JL, yes, add your species to the World tab IF they aren't already there!
My first green list

04/01/2022 (a short walk along the Dehesa´s path)

1. Mallard
2. Rock dove
3. Common woodpigeon
4. Common moorthen
5. Spanish imperial eagle (the undisputed protagonist of the day)
6. Red kite
7. Magpie
8. Great tit
9. Spotless starling
10. Song thrush
11. Robin
12. Chaffinch
13. Goldfinch
14. European serin

One question: I have added the list to the "Europe" tab of the spreadsheet. Do I also have to add my contributions to the "World" tab? I guess that's the way it is, right?
Yes, welcome aboard. And nice one on the eagle!

Looks good, yep. Technicality, I've amended Rock Dove to Feral Pigeon. Looks like I've already made an omission on my list, as I had forgotten Great Tit on day 1 lol!

(I expect we'll tidy up the spreadsheet as it goes along. I personally don't use eg IOC standard names, but I expect something along that route should be followed in time?)
Yes, welcome aboard. And nice one on the eagle!

Looks good, yep. Technicality, I've amended Rock Dove to Feral Pigeon. Looks like I've already made an omission on my list, as I had forgotten Great Tit on day 1 lol!

(I expect we'll tidy up the spreadsheet as it goes along. I personally don't use eg IOC standard names, but I expect something along that route should be followed in time?)
Just done some updates and we seem to have 85 in Europe, 59 in UK. Hopefully more people will join in as it seems more and more folk are keeping a Green or Non-motorised list these days, it would be great to compare with others!
Yes, welcome aboard. And nice one on the eagle!

Looks good, yep. Technicality, I've amended Rock Dove to Feral Pigeon. Looks like I've already made an omission on my list, as I had forgotten Great Tit on day 1 lol!

(I expect we'll tidy up the spreadsheet as it goes along. I personally don't use eg IOC standard names, but I expect something along that route should be followed in time?)
Last year we used the standard UK names on the UK list but changed them to IOC names when a UK sighting was added to the global list. Or, if the UK contributor wasn't confident with IOC names, someone else came along and changed it later. That makes it much easier to avoid multiple entries for the same species on the global list, without excluding participation by the large proportion of UK birders who can't remember if a particular species is Common, European, Eurasian or Northern.
For me there is no problem in using the nomenclature that you propose may be the most appropriate.

One of my initial purposes when participating in BirdForum is to learn the names of birds in English for possible bird watching trips or simply to be able to talk about our hobby with people from other countries.

To name the birds I am seeing in English, I use the website of the Spanish Ornithological Society (SEO). If it is necessary to find another more suitable source, you only have to tell me.

For most UK birders it's not just about remembering the extra bits that go in front of a birds name, it's finding them unnecessary and unwieldy (bring back Dabchicks and Bonxies!). In normal use very few use the long proper names.

But because it's an international effort, the world list at least should follow whatever is the best and most used convention, which would presumably be IOC. Up to the participants on the Europe tab what they do??

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Not much of a lister but just in case the wildlife of a small valley in SW Wales is of some interest to anyone out there I thought I’d give it a go. Also this year, hopefully I won’t be spending every spare minute working on the land and house (fingers crossed). From previous experience it’s not going to be a big list but who knows? something interesting may turn up.
Generally walk a couple of miles daily down the valley to our friends wood or potter around on our land.
Jan 1st
1. Robin
2. Chaffinch
3. Siskin (c.20)
4. Blue Tit
5. Great Tit
6. Song Thrush
7. Coal Tit
8. Greenfinch
9. Dunnock
10. Nuthatch
11. Great Spotted Woodpecker
12. Blackbird
13. House Sparrow
14. Goldfinch
15. Marsh Tit
16. Jackdaw
17. Goldcrest
18. Buzzard
19. Dipper
20. Grey Wagtail

Jan 2nd
21. Red Kite
22. Mallard

Jan 3rd
23. Tawny Owl

Jan 5th
24. Raven
25. Bullfinch
26. Jay
27. Carrion Crow
28. Wren
29. Long-tailed Tit
See we're up to 108 already for the world list ... nice one! (Spreadsheet link in post #7)

I would recommend people post their lists/sightings on the thread too tho - much more interesting reading the sightings on here than on a spreadsheet imo, and also be aware that as the spreadsheet is open access anyone can edit it.

(Lists can be copied from spreadsheet to a post or a post to the spreadsheet easily in one go, just by normal highlighting and copy/paste). Also if anyone is unsure of the spreadsheet or wants someone else to enter their sightings just ask on here ...
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Just out of curiosity- what’s the view on nocmig records - I’m thinking of hooking mine up again and wondered whether they’d count for this list?
Just out of curiosity- what’s the view on nocmig records - I’m thinking of hooking mine up again and wondered whether they’d count for this list?


I think my personal opinion remains that nocmig records (same as birds found deceased or camera trap records) count for the ornithological record (eg for a site list), but not for personal lists*. So I would say no. But a dedicated nocmig, or nocmig listing thread would be very interesting ... (or even just mentioned as an aside on this thread if that was too much bother).

*(You have to personally experience the bird in real time for it to count)
I would recommend people post their lists/sightings on the thread too tho - much more interesting reading the sightings on here than on a spreadsheet imo
I agree....

So, today I can add Southern grey shrike to world list, and also Chiffchaff and Grey wagtail to Europe List
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