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Green Listing 2022 - Joint Thread (1 Viewer)

As it looked like the last nice day of the year, I made sure to be on my bike. I twitched a Red-necked Grebe which took a while to surface on a big and not very viewable gravel pit. On another gravel pit, I added Greater Scaup to my German self-found list, which was of course a much better result.
108 Smew was a very good score!
Sadly, riding through the German agricultural wasteland was mindnumbingly boring as usual...
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I managed some 78 species (including a heard-only Redpoll) today, all within the municipality I live in (albeit this was by virtue of not finding a Great Grey Shrike just across the district border). Amazingly, this was a better score than I ever managed in the Netherlands on 1 January.
Best finds were Woodcock, Water Rail (seen) and Hen Harrier. I could not find Redwing, which seems to be restricted to the Rhine and Ruhr valleys at the moment. I also tried quite a few localities for Kingfisher, but all in vain.
I managed some 78 species (including a heard-only Redpoll) today

Not a "Jan-1st guy" myself, as I tend to spend New Year with (at least) my wife -- who, although she can enjoy looking at birds, won't get up early and race after them on the first day of the year. I cycled to the coast on 30 Dec (which was quite definitely after "the last nice day of" 2022) and have been there since. Now at 83 species (+ Canada and Egyptian Geese, Feral Pigeon, Pheasant, and Black Swan, which we don't normally count here). Hopefully some more tomorrow (which is gonna a bit be windy and quite possibly wet, though), and I'll see what I can grab on Monday on the way back to Brussels (in what may be a somewhat more manageable weather).

Do we start a 2023 joint thread ? Or has people's interest faded too much ?
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I would be happy with a new thread, but I wouldn't know how to link to a list.
A new thread could perhaps drum up some interest now that the list is here.

Here you are, then :


I think my personal opinion remains that nocmig records (same as birds found deceased or camera trap records) count for the ornithological record (eg for a site list), but not for personal lists*. So I would say no. But a dedicated nocmig, or nocmig listing thread would be very interesting ... (or even just mentioned as an aside on this thread if that was too much bother).

*(You have to personally experience the bird in real time for it to count)
Is there a dedicated nocmig, or nocmig listing thread?.. 🤔🤷‍♂️
TIA. 👍
Thanks for that, had a look, interesting.
Is it possible to search within the nocmig records for a particular species?.. I couldn't see a way, but it may be possible.. 🤔🤷‍♂️
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