laurent raty
Same as in 2021 and 2022: a joint thread for birds seen from home by foot or using non-motorised transportation only (e.g. bicycle -- no motorised public transport). See :
Feel free to report sightings, bird lists, anecdotes, or anything else related to this theme, in this thread throughout the year.
A shared Google spreadsheet is available at :
You can put your name (or alias) at the top of a column in the tab of your geographical region, and start filling it with the species you've seen; you can then also complete the joint list for your region, and for the world, if you have seen species that had not been seen by someone else before. The file can in principle be edited by anyone, but please don't alter the general formatting, and leave the edition of other people's records to their authors.
Green Listing 2021 - Joint thread
Following on the theme of the previous 'lockdown listing threads' ( https://www.birdforum.net/threads/joint-bf-lockdown-listing-autumn-2020.396184/ and https://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=388090 ), a joint green listing thread, whether you are in lockdown or not, and makes it easier for...
Green Listing 2022 - Joint Thread
Similar to last year, birds seen from home by foot or human-powered mechanical (eg bicycle), local patch or however far you can get from home by the same means - https://www.birdforum.net/threads/green-listing-2021-joint-thread.403402/ A joint/collaborative thread - feel free to add your...
Feel free to report sightings, bird lists, anecdotes, or anything else related to this theme, in this thread throughout the year.
A shared Google spreadsheet is available at :
Joint BF Green List 2023