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Gulls part two, SoCal (1 Viewer)

BAL Land

Well-known member
United States
Saltwater marsh yesterday, Orange County, California. Thanks!
Bird one. California vs Herring vs Iceland. FF65CC83-4B04-483B-8231-D4BEDE6F7B74.thumb.jpeg.7279aa8f17009327a02a176bb58af2b9.jpeg
Bird two. Never lifted its head. Looks like a California, but it’s got pink legs so it’s got to be herring or Iceland. 38311C97-35E8-42A9-8E41-14346344259D.thumb.jpeg.2e4b9452cd50cb4d35942f4db811dfe0.jpeg
Bird three. This is the one that I’m most confident is Iceland. I believe these are the same bird, but I’m not 100% sure on that. 8BE91CE2-73C3-417F-9AAA-920B36C32799.thumb.jpeg.8cd7c4b3a09c389cf4855cd8114d8c66.jpeg
They look like herring (at least the grey backed ones), but I know there're loads of hybrids etc to consider
Thanks all! What I’ve been told by the local experts is that all the birds in questions are Herring except for the last one.
The last one could be a Thayer's Gull (bubblegum pink legs, gentle look, small parallel sided bill etc.) , which some people regard as a subspecies of Iceland Gull (Larus glaucoides thayeri).

This side of the pond we would have to have some open-winged shots as well to get it past the committee :)
That’s not true, and the last one was confirmed by others as an Iceland.
I assure you that it is true. In the Iceland/Kumleins/Thayers complex only Thayers has dark primaries. Although some authorities maintain them as subspecies so I guess if you include Thayers as part of the Iceland species then you could state that, but it would still be more accurate to name the subsp 🙂

Edit - sorry just read pdwinter's post above. I agree - the last one looks very good for Thayers.
I assure you that it is true. In the Iceland/Kumleins/Thayers complex only Thayers has dark primaries. Although some authorities maintain them as subspecies so I guess if you include Thayers as part of the Iceland species then you could state that, but it would still be more accurate to name the subsp 🙂

Edit - sorry just read pdwinter's post above. I agree - the last one looks very good for Thayers.
Everyone will have there opinion but taking apparent lighting into account I think the mantle is too dark, although perhaps the apparently spindly very pink legs are good for that form.
The last one could be a Thayer's Gull (bubblegum pink legs, gentle look, small parallel sided bill etc.) , which some people regard as a subspecies of Iceland Gull (Larus glaucoides thayeri).

This side of the pond we would have to have some open-winged shots as well to get it past the committee :)

I assure you that it is true. In the Iceland/Kumleins/Thayers complex only Thayers has dark primaries. Although some authorities maintain them as subspecies so I guess if you include Thayers as part of the Iceland species then you could state that, but it would still be more accurate to name the subsp 🙂

Edit - sorry just read pdwinter's post above. I agree - the last one looks very good for Thayers.
Thanks to both of you! I started birding after Iceland and Thayer’s were merged, so I’ve just always been so used to saying Iceland Gull, not Thayer’s. All along in this thread when I said “Iceland Gull”, I meant Thayer’s, never actual “Iceland” gulls. My apologies!
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