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Hawaii, birds (1 Viewer)

Andy Adcock

Worst person on Birdforum
Umm al-Qaiwan
I see there's a forthcoming bird guide variously titled either 'Birds of Hawaii and Micronesia' or 'Birds of the Tropical Pacific' by
H Douglas Pratt who authored 'Birds of Hawaii and the Tropical Pacific' in 1987.

ISBN: 9780691117799

Anyone know anything more?
Have a look at the author's web page for more information - H. Douglas Pratt - Index

I don't think the web page has been updated for a couple of years so I am not sure how accurate the expected dates are.
From the site, looks like it's a couple of years away yet although NHBS states Feb 22, and unless 'Rod' has become a bi-gender name, he's also very confortable 'outing' himself to the wider World, not that it matters a jot these days.
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