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Hello from Oklahoma! (1 Viewer)


United States
Hello! I am excited to join the forum and learn more about birds. I’m a teacher and bird watching has become my relaxation when I’m stressed. I’m participating in Project FeederWatch for the first time this year and am really enjoying counting my birds out my front window. I have a nice little flock of house sparrows that I’ve become quite attached to, a gorgeous pair of cardinals, some Carolina chickadees (aren’t they just the happiest little birds?), and a few Tufted Titmice, although they haven’t been around for a few weeks. I’ve seen several other species too but not regularly. When I use the Merlin app to listen, there are quite a few others in my neighborhood but they don’t frequent my yard. I’d love advice on what I can do to attract more species.
Welcome to Birdforum. I hope you enjoy your visits.

A good way to attract birds is to provide a variety of food and fresh water.
Hi Skippydee and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
Welcome to Birdforum. I hope you enjoy your visits.

A good way to attract birds is to provide a variety of food and fresh water.
Thank you….yes, I assumed I needed a variety of food. :)

I have a pot bottom that I put fresh water in and they love to use it to bathe and drink from.

I noticed there’s a forum for seed and feeders so I’ll check it out for more specifics on what I can do to attract more birds.

Thanks for all the welcoming comments!
Hi, just wanted to add one more welcome to the forum. I think you will find us a friendly and helpful group.
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