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Hello - Seeking some info (1 Viewer)


New member
United Kingdom
Hi! I'm not a bird watcher and I don't really have much of an interest in birds, although I have made a very unlikely friend in a Seagull who has been coming to my window (in a tower block) for the last 4/5 years. I have been calling him Bob for the last 5 years but I am not even sure if he is male or female. Searching online told me that its difficult to tell the difference and really only birdwatchers can, so I am looking for any help with possibly being able to gauge his sex. Any other information would be greatly appreciated, his potential age, I know he must be around 6? How long he may live for. How long they stay in the same area (I'm guessing his nest is around here).

Thanks in advance.


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Hi Aidan and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators.

Sorry, I'm unable to be of much help, I think it's only possible for people who ring gulls that can sex them, and this one hasn't been rung. They are a long lived species, but I'm not sure how long teens-twenties is my guess.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
Herring Gulls are as far as I know impossible to accurately sex without being in the hand, and it may not be easy then.
Age wise plumage can only really be used up until about their 3rd winter, beyond that you can tell they're an adult but not accurately age.
When they get very old they do sometimes develop bare patches on the neck when moulting.
I don't know what the age record is, but 30 isn't unknown.
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