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Help re Zeiss 10x50 jenoptem Authenticity (1 Viewer)


New member
Help please. I have a set of Carl Zeiss 10x50 Jenoptem multi coated binoculars. They were my late uncles so I have no way to check their authenticity. I have had a pair of 7x50 and these are the same build quality. They seem to be genuine from the build. There is no DDR mark and they are in near mint condition. Excellent optics very sharp. The serial no is 108212 but I can’t seem to find any way to check this. Most on eBay serial numbers are longer. Any help would be appreciated before I list for sale. Can’t see how to add photos to this post. Thanks in advanced.
Help please. I have a set of Carl Zeiss 10x50 Jenoptem multi coated binoculars. They were my late uncles so I have no way to check their authenticity. I have had a pair of 7x50 and these are the same build quality. They seem to be genuine from the build. There is no DDR mark and they are in near mint condition. Excellent optics very sharp. The serial no is 108212 but I can’t seem to find any way to check this. Most on eBay serial numbers are longer. Any help would be appreciated before I list for sale. Can’t see how to add photos to this post. Thanks in advanced.

Almost certainly a Japanese built replica, the 6 digit serial number is the key.
I believe Zeiss Jena actually helped the Japanese make the copy, the DDR had limited capacity and was exploring all options to get a bit more hard currency.
There are detailed articles on things to look for to verify the source of the specific model. One good source is here:

During the 1980s Zeiss Jena outsourced some of their production to a Japanese manufacturer.

These binocular were supplied to retailers by Zeiss Jena themselves but in the UK they were retailed by shops such as Dixons and Argos.

Thanks for this


During the 1980s Zeiss Jena outsourced some of their production to a Japanese manufacturer.

These binocular were supplied to retailers by Zeiss Jena themselves but in the UK they were retailed by shops such as Dixons and Argos.

Thank you Gary keep safe
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