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Help with bird song ID, Guangxi (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Spent some time in a secondary forest at about 200m elevation today near Baise, Guangxi. Recorded two bird songs which I couldn't identify.

#1 (file 198 &199): Sounded like multiple birds. Got a brief glimpse enough to know it was a smallish bird. Stayed low and in underbrush. Song was frequent and almost had a harmonic quality to it.

#2 (file 200): Clear whistle of three notes (though almost sounds like 2 on recording). Silver-eared Mesias in the area at the time, but I don't think this whistle is that species.

Thanks for any help you can provide!


  • New Recording 198.m4a
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  • New Recording 199.m4a
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  • New Recording 200.m4a
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