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Help with Birds of Tokyo, Japan. Sept 2019 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Need help with ID of birds seen around Tokyo, Japan this past week.

1 & 4) Japanese Woodpecker? Photo 1 taken at Mt. Takao and photo 4 at Tama Cemetery.

2) Large-billed Crow? Although the forehead is not vertical/steep, the bill looks huge. Taken at Tama river.

3) Carrion Crow? The bill looks 'dainty' in comparison to the individual in photo 2. Taken at Tama river.

5) Recorded this audio track at Mt. Takao. I have no idea what this bird is. Hope someone will recognize the call.

Help much appreciated!


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I've not been to Japan but am working on ID for a planned trip, so don't take this as correct but I think:

1. & 4. Both female Japanese Green Woodpecker;
2. & 3. Both Japanese Crow based on the bill size & shape;
5. Sounds like the UK Great Tit so try checking Japanese Tit on xenocanto.

Best wait for someone with experience for better advice.
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Thanks for your help, Pete.
I checked out xenocanto and a couple of recordings of the Japanese Tit did sound similar to the bird I heard.

I'm attaching another photo of the crow in photo 3 so hopefully someone can comment.


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I'd say #3 looks good for large-billed (Japanese) crow, the steeply angled forehead is very distinctive IMHO.

Agree a big difference in bill size with #2, but think this is also the same species
It looks much like a 1st winter bird. One of the things that strike me is the huge and bulky tail of L-b Crow.
I'm not sure - haven't checked it in the books - but it seems as though the black bill-saddle of L-b Crow (adults!) is longer than that of Carrion Crow..

This bird doesn't have that (yet)

There is no mention of the bill-saddle in the Mark Brazil book though.

True, but it is apparent from the illustrations that it is slightly larger on Japanese / Large-billed. Also shown is the finely hooked, overhanging upper mandible tip of Japanese / Large-billed as opposed to the more even bill tip ends of Oriental / Carrion.
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