Björn Bergenholtz
(former alias "Calalp")

Here's a look at ...
Euler's and euleri as in:
• Euler's Flycatcher Empidonax/Lathrotriccus euleri CABANIS 1868 (here), as "Empidochanes Euleri":
• Pearly-breasted Cuckoo Coccyzus euleri [*] CABANIS 1873 (here), as "Coccygus [sic] Euleri":
• the invalid (Buffy-fronted) Seedeater "Sporophila Euleri" CABANIS 1874 (here), no outspoken dedication, but clearly in reference to the Title of the Paper in which the OD appeared: Uebersicht der von Herrn Carl Euler im District Cantagallo, Provinz Rio de Janeiro, gesammelten Vögel (also see the intro of the same paper here). Later a k a "Fringilla Euleri" (by Russ).
Also in most Wikipedia pages his Birth year is given as "1834", though note, in neither one with an exact date, nor month.
• English Wikipedia (here) has his Birth as: "1834" ... "born in Basel, Switzerland. ..."
• German Wikipedia (here) has his Birth as ditto: "1834, in Basel"
... and onwards (most likely based on):
• Obituary in The Ibis, Serie 8, Vol. 2, No.7, July 1902 (here): "He was born at Basel, in Switzerland, in 1834 ..."
• Ditto (Nachrichten) in Ornithologische Monatsberichte 10 (No.9), September 1902 (here): "Er war 1834 in Basel geboren, ..."
... etc., etc.
Also, in Alejandro Mouchard's Book Etimología de los nombres científicos de las aves de Argentina [**], from 2019, we as well find him as: "Karl Hieronymus Euler o Carlos Euler Senior (1834–1901), fue un ornitólogo y colector nacido en Basilea, Suiza. ..."
But ... in Helmut Sick's Birds in Brazil : a natural history [***], 1993, translated from Portuguese by William Belton (here), we're told (on pp.35–36):
The same Birth year is given in the Paper As mais recentes compilações sobre ovos e ninhos das aves do Brasil [here], by Marco Aurélio Crozariol, in Calíolgia Brasílíca 1 (No. 1): pp.5–9:
Anyone who knows which Birth year to trust?
Was it "1834" or "1832"? This far I tend towards the latter ...
However, in my notes I also have an old copy (from back in 2018) downloaded of the Message Boards on Ancestry, thread Leonard Euler-Famous Mathematician [1707–1783], where we, as a mere side-track, also find (what I assume) is "our guy" mentioned, fairly detailed (in a post, by "Angela Duarte", from 11 September 2001):
As well, note that the alleged Death year (also) differ in the latter quote! But don't bother about that one, that's (as far as I can tell), just a misunderstanding. "1853" was the year he vanished, and disappeared, from Europe (on his way to South America) ...
However, could the two Obituaries above be wrong regarding his Birth year .. !?!
In any case, clearly, we're in need of some sort of confirmation/s ... pointing either way.
Also note that MyHeritage (here) has him as: Karl "Carl" Hieronymus Euler, 1932 - 1901
Anyone who have found/seen a, or any, Official Birth Record/s ... ?
It would also concern the actual (Original) spelling of his first Given name? "Karl, or Carl?
Either way, this far, until proven otherwise (of course), in my notes, and MS, I will keep him as Carl (a k a 'Karl') Hieronymus Euler (1832/34?–1901), in South America (read: in Brasil/Brazil) better known as Carlos Euler (Senior).
Any recommendations, alt. other opinions, or even objections?
Grateful for any assistance on this one!
PS. Also note/consider that in his own Papers (like the one above), we find his (Given) name written/typed, as: "Carl ..."
*earlier a k a "Coccyzus julieni" (!?!) ... according to AviBase here.
**Mouchard, A. 2019 Etimología de los nombres científicos de las aves de Argentina : su significado y origen. 1 Edition. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Fundación de Historia Natural Félix de Azara, pp. 1–389.
***English translation of: Ornitologia Brasileira, in two volumes 1985, alt. 1984?–1985, (also in a 2nd Edition, 2001).
Euler's and euleri as in:
• Euler's Flycatcher Empidonax/Lathrotriccus euleri CABANIS 1868 (here), as "Empidochanes Euleri":
...also note that the OD was published in Journal für Ornithologie 16, directly after the Paper: Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Vögel Brasiliens. IV (pp. 182–194), by "Carl Euler, Schweizerischer Vice-Consul in Cantagallo" (here).Herr Consul E u l e r in Cantagallo, zu Ehren dessen ich diese neue Art benenne, hat in seinen vorstehenden „Beiträgen“ höchst schätzenswerthe Beobachtungen über die Lebensweise dieser Art geliefert und dem Berliner Museum ein Exemplar derselben zugesandt.
• Pearly-breasted Cuckoo Coccyzus euleri [*] CABANIS 1873 (here), as "Coccygus [sic] Euleri":
Schliesslich legt Herr C a b a n i s einen neuen südamerikanischen Kuckuk vor, den er zu Ehren Carl E u l e r’ s aus Rio Janeiro Coccygus Euleri genannt hat. Die Gattung Coccygus, von der nach ... [...] Die neue Art,
Coccygus Euleri n. sp.anlangend, bemerkt Herr C a b a n i s, dass der Vogel aus einer Sammlung stamme, welche Herr Carl E u l e r in der Umgegend von Cantagallo machte und dem Berliner Museum in liberalster Weise zur Verfügung stellte. ...
• the invalid (Buffy-fronted) Seedeater "Sporophila Euleri" CABANIS 1874 (here), no outspoken dedication, but clearly in reference to the Title of the Paper in which the OD appeared: Uebersicht der von Herrn Carl Euler im District Cantagallo, Provinz Rio de Janeiro, gesammelten Vögel (also see the intro of the same paper here). Later a k a "Fringilla Euleri" (by Russ).
In today's Key explained as:euleri
Carl Hieronymus Euler (1834-1901) Swiss settler in Brazil 1853, Vice-Consul in Rio de Janeiro 1867-1901, amateur ornithologist (Coccyzus, Lathrotriccus, syn. Sporophila frontalis).
Also in most Wikipedia pages his Birth year is given as "1834", though note, in neither one with an exact date, nor month.
• English Wikipedia (here) has his Birth as: "1834" ... "born in Basel, Switzerland. ..."
• German Wikipedia (here) has his Birth as ditto: "1834, in Basel"
... and onwards (most likely based on):
• Obituary in The Ibis, Serie 8, Vol. 2, No.7, July 1902 (here): "He was born at Basel, in Switzerland, in 1834 ..."
• Ditto (Nachrichten) in Ornithologische Monatsberichte 10 (No.9), September 1902 (here): "Er war 1834 in Basel geboren, ..."
... etc., etc.
Also, in Alejandro Mouchard's Book Etimología de los nombres científicos de las aves de Argentina [**], from 2019, we as well find him as: "Karl Hieronymus Euler o Carlos Euler Senior (1834–1901), fue un ornitólogo y colector nacido en Basilea, Suiza. ..."
But ... in Helmut Sick's Birds in Brazil : a natural history [***], 1993, translated from Portuguese by William Belton (here), we're told (on pp.35–36):
(... and there he stayed, until 27 November 1901, when he died in Rio de Janeiro.)In 1853 Karl Hieronymus Euler (Carlos Euler Senior, 1832-1901), a Swiss, immigrated to Brazil ...
The same Birth year is given in the Paper As mais recentes compilações sobre ovos e ninhos das aves do Brasil [here], by Marco Aurélio Crozariol, in Calíolgia Brasílíca 1 (No. 1): pp.5–9:
... a Paper that also incl. some Photos of the guy in question!Tudo começou quando um suíço, de nome Karl ‘Carl’ Hieronymus Euler (1832-1901) (Figura 1), ornitólogo amador, fazendeiro e vice-cônsul da Suíça (entre 1867-1868) chegou ao Brasil no ano de 1853. Carlos Euler, ...
Anyone who knows which Birth year to trust?
Was it "1834" or "1832"? This far I tend towards the latter ...
However, in my notes I also have an old copy (from back in 2018) downloaded of the Message Boards on Ancestry, thread Leonard Euler-Famous Mathematician [1707–1783], where we, as a mere side-track, also find (what I assume) is "our guy" mentioned, fairly detailed (in a post, by "Angela Duarte", from 11 September 2001):
[Most likely from here. I also have yet another note (of unknown/forgotten origin) of him (possibly) being; the Son of "Abraham Euler", and "Anna (Oberwil?)"]As far as I know an Euler family emigrated from south Germany (Lindau, Germany) to Basel, Switzerland in the earlies XV Century - as "Oewler" changed it to "Euler" when got their naturalization. My great-great- grandmother was Euler, her father was Karl Hieronymus Euler, b. nov.15th, 1832, Basel, Switzerland, died in 1853 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
🧩 🧩
As well, note that the alleged Death year (also) differ in the latter quote! But don't bother about that one, that's (as far as I can tell), just a misunderstanding. "1853" was the year he vanished, and disappeared, from Europe (on his way to South America) ...
However, could the two Obituaries above be wrong regarding his Birth year .. !?!
In any case, clearly, we're in need of some sort of confirmation/s ... pointing either way.
Also note that MyHeritage (here) has him as: Karl "Carl" Hieronymus Euler, 1932 - 1901
Anyone who have found/seen a, or any, Official Birth Record/s ... ?
It would also concern the actual (Original) spelling of his first Given name? "Karl, or Carl?
Either way, this far, until proven otherwise (of course), in my notes, and MS, I will keep him as Carl (a k a 'Karl') Hieronymus Euler (1832/34?–1901), in South America (read: in Brasil/Brazil) better known as Carlos Euler (Senior).
Any recommendations, alt. other opinions, or even objections?
Grateful for any assistance on this one!
PS. Also note/consider that in his own Papers (like the one above), we find his (Given) name written/typed, as: "Carl ..."
*earlier a k a "Coccyzus julieni" (!?!) ... according to AviBase here.
**Mouchard, A. 2019 Etimología de los nombres científicos de las aves de Argentina : su significado y origen. 1 Edition. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Fundación de Historia Natural Félix de Azara, pp. 1–389.
***English translation of: Ornitologia Brasileira, in two volumes 1985, alt. 1984?–1985, (also in a 2nd Edition, 2001).
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