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Hiking/birding recommendations (1 Viewer)


I’m planning on meeting my friend (who lives in Mumbai and is a non birder) for probably a ten day trip. I’m looking for recommendations of places that are also enjoyable for non-borders from a cultural or hiking standpoint. Otherwise, if I had to choose a place to tour around and focus all my birding efforts on (say 3 days max) where would you recommend?

Pretty broad question, I admit, but aside from Mumbai and hoping to see Taj Mahal that’s really all I have planned. The itinerary is open so far.

Thanks in advance!
It is pretty difficult to give advice on such a broad question, and in particular without knowing what time of year you plan to visit. In India this has a profound influence on travel plans.

While you could hike anywhere in the subcontinent, trekking in the Himalayas is the obvious choice. However, fitting in Mumbai, Agra and a trek into 10 days would be ambitious.

Assuming a winter trip, I would consider an itinerary taking in the Chambal River near Agra, Bharatpur, Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Velavadar NP, and Mt Abu. Possibly not feasible to do all of these plus Mumbai in 10 days, but they will give a good mix of birds, other wildlife, and culture.
Thattekad and surroundings organized by Eldhose. Reasonably close to Mumbai, rich in birds and culture. I liked it very much. Good for mixing birds with general holiday.
Himalayas all the way! If you like to hike more than visiting a city, hike. I would never spend more time in any city than necessary as I like the outdoors much more. Taj Mahal is a 1-day effort and it's less than a day travel to e.g. Corvette/Nainital from there. The crisp cool winter mornings in the foothills of the Himalaya, with views on snow-toppers 7-8000 meter mountains are very hard to beat.
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