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Hokaido in Octuber (1 Viewer)

Fernando np

Well-known member

I'll have five days for the outdoors of Hokaido at the beginning of Octuber, inside a longer trip for Japan and Korea. I'll carry binoculars but not spotting scope. My first idea was going to Shiretoko and Akan national parks. Lately, I've seen than the south, Hakadote can be interesting also. Taking in count, I'll move by public transport, I'll be grateful about any piece of advice.

Thanks in advance
The key will probably be doing very extensive research - I did a similar public transport/binocs only trip to Hokkaido a few years back now and much as I did hit the two big name target species with more prep (and I did a fair amount as it was) could have got much better results.

Firstly, do you have any target species in mind or just a general visit?

Bear in mind that particularly on the East Coast, the train system is very sporadic, even major routes seemed to only have a few trains per day in the Kushiro area and that typically Hokkaido is a Winter birding destination - I was really a bit too early in the season going at the end of November/beginning of December, so you may struggle with a bunch of the species that feature in a lot of the more typical February trip reports.

I'll have five days for the outdoors of Hokaido at the beginning of Octuber, inside a longer trip for Japan and Korea. I'll carry binoculars but not spotting scope. My first idea was going to Shiretoko and Akan national parks. Lately, I've seen than the south, Hakadote can be interesting also. Taking in count, I'll move by public transport, I'll be grateful about any piece of advice.

Thanks in advance
Have a look at Mark Brazil's Finding Birds in Japan. Although published some years ago most of the Hokkaido sites are still relevant.As has been said the east of the island is at its best during the winter,and I suspect that the Steller's Sea Eagles will not yet have arrived.
Tom Lawson.
just a couple of points; although the others are right that october will probably be too early for the winter specialities, i wouldn't agree that Hokkaido is a winter birding destination, it is also exceptionally good in the spring and summer. I'm not too sure what October is like but i wouldn't give up hope..

second, public transport in Hokkaido may be sporadic, but you can count on it being 100% reliable. There is plenty of good information on the internet, e.g. the hyperdia site for train times.

thirdly, as someone already implied, Japan as a birding destination is much better if you target specific species, don't just turn up somewhere hoping for the best, the countryside as a whole, although beautiful, is rather low in diversity.


I didn't rememberer the free Brazil's guide. Although not a twitcher myself, a big smile would appear in my face if a Steller Sea Eagle goes inside my view field. I've booked the first two nights in Kushiro. Not sure, for now, how to follow after. One idea is Lake Akan and then Hakodote.
It's complicated to mix birding trip and general trip, but so rewarding !
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