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HONDURAN EMERALD Amazilia luciae (1 Viewer)


Active member
Hello, I see very little things said about Honduras, it is awesome for birding and wildlife. This past weekend we went to Santa Barbara, a department in Honduras that this bird was just recently sighted in this new area . Initially this endemic bird was thought to be found only in Olanchito, we set out to find them, and although it wasn't the right time, we still came back with the satisfaction of finding them in another area.
I hope you like the photos..


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Bobhandal -
Good to see a post from Honduras. Some good pictures of a bird I haven't had the pleasure of seeing. How would you rate the about the safety of visting birders these days?

usually birders are a different type of tourist, usually away from main cities. In small towns there is no really dangers unless out looking for them. Like any other country, go with guides that know their way around. I think that all Latin America is a tad dangerous, but usually and in general it is safe. Dont dangle your 500mm lens in rough neighborhoods, or leave in car, that is asking for trouble. Travel in groups , not alone.
Bobhandal -
How would you rate the about the safety of visting birders these days?


I'm glad you figured out what I was trying to ask. :-O And to think I'm trying to learn Spanish! I apparently need to learn my own language...8-P

As I remember, Howell and Webb mention the type speciment being (incorrectly) labelled as being collected in Santa Barbara. Thye eventually found it a few kms to the west of Olanchito (where the pipe organ canctus begin).

Maybe the type specimen was correctly labelled!!!
It could be, but they are not nearly as plentiful in Santa Barbara as they are in Olanchito. The interesting thing is that the flower they feed from in both areas is red and very similar is appearance to an untrained eye (mine, he he).
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