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House Finch - Avian Pox ? (1 Viewer)


I'm new to the forum.
Yesterday I observed this House Finch on one of my finch feeders (serving Canola seed) with a dark lump on the top of it's beak.

House Finch - Avian Pox ?

Of course I'm wondering if this could be Avian Pox ? I'd read, somewhere, that lumps like this can be due accumulation of plant latex, which hardens, but I want to be sure. Needless to say, I have taken down the feeder and disinfected it as a precaution.

Live just outside Montreal.

Welcome to Birdforum!

I have seen loss of an eye or clump-foot attributed to infection, but not something similar to this. Others might know more. The way it chases other birds away might indicate it feels well?

It didn't seem impaired and definitely held its own on the feeder.
What got me wondering if it might be Avian Pox were images like these:

I'd read, somewhere, that lumps like this can be due accumulation of plant latex, which hardens, but I want to be sure. Needless to say, I have taken down the feeder and disinfected it as a precaution.
Actually, where I had read that was here on the Bird Forum:

Finch That Comes to My Feeder has Bump on Beak--Question

Anyhow, following the Cornell Labs recommendation:

“If you see one or two diseased birds” (as is more common with conjunctivitis or avian pox): Take down your feeders and clean them with a 10% bleach solution (1 part bleach and 9 parts water). Let them dry completely and then re-hang them.”

Having disinfected the feeder, I've hung it back up on my deck, away from my Nyjer feeders, so I can monitor it more closely.
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Actually, where I had read that was here on the Bird Forum:

Finch That Comes to My Feeder has Bump on Beak--Question

Anyhow, following the Cornell Labs recommendation:

“If you see one or two diseased birds” (as is more common with conjunctivitis or avian pox): Take down your feeders and clean them with a 10% bleach solution (1 part bleach and 9 parts water). Let them dry completely and then re-hang them.”

Having disinfected the feeder, I've hung it back up on my deck, away from my Nyjer feeders, so I can monitor it more closely.
Well done!
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