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How's your 2022 list going? (1 Viewer)

Nice day pottering around north and central Shropshire. Not the most productive day, but some good birds for the county nevertheless and some easy gaps to keep me occupied over the next couple of days.

1. Common Blackbird
2. Common Wood Pigeon
3. Carrion Crow
4. Western Jackdaw
5. Common Linnet
6. Fieldfare
7. Northern Raven
8. Common Starling
9. Common Reed Bunting
10. Redwing
11. Great Tit
12. Marsh Tit
13. Eurasian Blue Tit
14. Great Cormorant
15. Mistle Thrush
16. Long-tailed Tit
17. Eurasian Magpie
18. Eurasian Teal
19. Mallard
20. Common Kestrel
21. Canada Goose
22. Eurasian Coot
23. Dunnock
24. Eurasian Collared Dove
25. Northern Lapwing
26. Northern Shoveler
27. Eurasian Wigeon
28. Lesser Redpoll
29. Northern Pintail
30. Common Pheasant
31. Eurasian Siskin
32. Stock Dove
33. Goldcrest
34. Eurasian Bullfinch
35. European Stonechat
36. European Robin
37. Grey Heron
38. House Sparrow
39. Common Moorhen
40. Black-headed Gull
41. Cetti's Warbler
42. Eurasian Wren
43. Eurasian Sparrowhawk
44. Common Buzzard
45. Rock Dove
46. Tufted Duck
47. Great Crested Grebe
48. Common Merganser
49. Lesser Black-backed Gull
50. Mute Swan
51. Common Gull
52. Common Goldeneye
53. European Herring Gull
54. Rook
55. Little Grebe
56. Greylag Goose
57. Common Pochard
58. European Goldfinch
59. White Wagtail
60. Common Chaffinch
61. Coal Tit
62. Gadwall
63. Great Egret
64. Little Egret
65. Grey Wagtail
66. European Greenfinch
67. Common Snipe
68. Red Kite
69. Red-legged Partridge
Despite non-stop rain all day, I had a pretty productive day, seeing 47 species.

‘01. Northern Cardinal
‘02. Black-capped Chickadee
‘03. Dark-eyed Junco
‘04. House Finch
‘05. American Crow
‘06. White-breasted Nuthatch
‘07. American Robin
‘08. European Starling
‘09. Tufted Titmouse
10. House Sparrow
11. Myrtle Warbler
12. Downy Woodpecker
13. Bufflehead
14. Eastern Bluebird
15. Belted Kingfisher
16. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
17. Pileated Woodpecker
18. Red-bellied Woodpecker
19. Canada Goose
20. Mourning Dove
21. Song Sparrow
22. Common Raven
23. Blue Jay
24. Northern Flicker
25. Northern Mockingbird
26. Carolina Wren
27. American Tree Sparrow
28. Mallard
29. American Goldfinch
30. Swamp Sparrow
31. Rock Pigeon
32. American Kestrel
33. Bald Eagle
34. Gadwall
35. Hooded Merganser
36. Ruddy Duck
37. Ring-necked Duck
38. Pied-billed Grebe
39. Northern Pintail
40. Red-shouldered Hawk
41. Red-breasted Nuthatch
42. Cooper’s Hawk
43. White-throated Sparrow
44. Carolina Chickadee
45. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
46. Golden-crowned Kinglet
47. Hermit Thrush

Have not had time for birding today, but did notice one new year tick on the feeders this morning:

70. Eurasian Jay
A fairly successful day today, adding eight species to my Year List.

48. Red-tailed Hawk
49. Winter Wren
50. Common Grackle
51. Green-winged Teal
52. Rusty Blackbird
53. American Black Duck
54. Eastern Meadowlark
55. Wild Turkey

This has been a strange winter. Unseasonably warm weather means that many birds that should not be here are still around. I usually don’t see grackles or meadowlarks until late March or early April.

Yesterday I did a full day for 90 species (see the 1 Jan BF list thread for the full list: highlights included a Peregrine, Med Gull, Whimbrel, Cetti's Warbler, Cattle Egret and a female Red-crested Pochard). Today (2 Jan) I had a morning only due to incoming rain. My local common supplied Stonechat and Dartford Warbler among common additions to the year list while a local regular Tawny Owl was the real highlight. 2022 list now stands at 102. Once over a hundred I relax a bit each year!

001. Muscovy Duck
002. Rock Pigeon
003. Eurasian Collared-Dove
004. Mourning Dove
005. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
006. Ring-billed Gull
007. Turkey Vulture
008. Monk Parakeet
009. Loggerhead Shrike
010. Blue Jay
011. Fish Crow
012. European Starling
013. Northern Mockingbird
014. House Sparrow
015. Boat-tailed Grackle
016. Palm Warbler

(Everglades National Park [Coot Bay CBC])
017. Blue-winged Teal
018. Green-winged Teal
019. Pied-billed Grebe
020. White-crowned Pigeon
021. Black-necked Stilt
022. American Avocet
023. Killdeer
024. Marbled Godwit
025. Dunlin
026. Short-billed Dowitcher
027. Greater Yellowlegs
028. Willet
029. Lesser Yellowlegs
030. Laughing Gull
031. Caspian Tern
032. Black Skimmer
033. Wood Stork
034. Anhinga
035. Double-crested Cormorant
036. American White Pelican
037. Brown Pelican
038. Great Blue Heron
039. Great Egret
040. Snowy Egret
041. Little Blue Heron
042. Tricolored Heron
043. Reddish Egret
044. Green Heron
045. White Ibis
046. Roseate Spoonbill
047. Black Vulture
048. Osprey
049. Red-shouldered Hawk
050. Eastern Screech-Owl
051. Belted Kingfisher
052. Red-bellied Woodpecker
053. Downy Woodpecker
054. Pileated Woodpecker
055. Eastern Phoebe
056. Great Crested Flycatcher
057. White-eyed Vireo
058. American Crow
059. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
060. House Wren
061. Carolina Wren
062. Gray Catbird
063. Red-winged Blackbird
064. Common Grackle
065. Ovenbird
066. Northern Waterthrush
067. Black-and-white Warbler
068. Common Yellowthroat
069. American Redstart
070. Northern Parula
071. Magnolia Warbler
072. Yellow-rumped Warbler
073. Yellow-throated Warbler
074. Prairie Warbler
075. Northern Cardinal
076. Painted Bunting
Getting used to birding with a kid! Only chance to get out so far was a walk around the neighborhood on January 1st, plus a few pickups driving today:

1. Allen’s Hummingbird
2. Northern Mockingbird
3. Yellow-rumped Warbler
4. House Finch
5. American Crow
6. Acorn Woodpecker
7. Band-tailed Pigeon
8. Black Phoebe
9. Red-whiskered Bulbul
10. Red-breasted Sapsucker
11. Common Raven
12. Red-crowned Parrot
13. Anna’s Hummingbird
14. Western Bluebird
15. Lesser Goldfinch
16. Nuttall’s Woodpecker
17. White-breasted Nuthatch
18. Mountain Chickadee
19. Mourning Dove
20. White-crowned Sparrow
21. California Towhee
22. Bewick’s Wren
23. Eurasian Collared-Dove
24. Rock Pigeon
25. Double-crested Cormorant
26. Western Gull
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One heard, and a few at quick park stops off on the way home yesterday and today:

27. Killdeer
28. European Starling
29. Canada Goose
30. Egyptian Goose
31. Snowy Egret
32. American Wigeon
33. American Coot
34. Great Egret
35. Mallard
36. California Gull
37. Red-tailed Hawk
38. Northern Pintail
39. Gadwall
40. Cinnamon Teal
41. Ruddy Duck
42. Greater Yellowlegs
A blizzard last night kept me from going to work this morning, but I was able to get out this afternoon and find three new year birds in the snow.

57. Great Blue Heron
58. Killdeer
59. American Pipit

Five new birds today.

60. Cedar Waxwing
61. Ring-billed Gull
62. Black Vulture
63. Turkey Vulture
64. Red-breasted Merganser

(Black Point Area)
77. Peregrine Falcon
78. Short-tailed Hawk
79. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
80. Lesser Black-backed Gull
81. Mangrove Cuckoo
82. Eastern Meadowlark
83. American Kestrel
84. Bald Eagle
85. Northern Harrier
86. American Coot
87. Common Gallinule
88. Black-crowned Night-Heron
89. Mute Swan

90. Cattle Egret
Brief afternoon visit to Venus Pool cleared up a few remaining easy ticks and a couple of other nice birds. Back to Hungary tomorrow...

76. Eurasian Skylark
77. Yellowhammer
78. Water Rail
79. White-throated Dipper
80. Brambling
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