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How's Your 2025 List Going? (2 Viewers)


Will Jones
Happy listing in 2025 everybody!

A more relaxing 1st of January for me, just popped to a few sites in North Shropshire. Nothing particularly rare today...

1. Common Blackbird
2. Eurasian Magpie
3. Eurasian Wren
4. Common Wood Pigeon
5. Eurasian Chaffinch
6. Eurasian Blue Tit
7. Common Pheasant
8. Carrion Crow
9. Common Buzzard
10. Western Jackdaw
11. Eurasian Collared Dove
12. Lesser Black-backed Gull
13. Song Thrush
14. Rook
15. Fieldfare
16. Redwing
17. European Herring Gull
18. Mallard
19. Common Starling
20. Black-headed Gull
21. European Robin
22. Eurasian Teal
23. Northern Shoveler
24. Tufted Duck
25. Eurasian Coot
26. Eurasian Wigeon
27. Canada Goose
28. Common Shelduck
29. Dunnock
30. Eurasian Bullfinch
31. Common Moorhen
32. Northern Lapwing
33. Northern Pintail
34. Great Cormorant
35. Eurasian Jay
36. European Goldfinch
37. Eurasian Sparrowhawk
38. Common Reed Bunting
39. House Sparrow
40. Great Tit
41. Marsh Tit
42. Long-tailed Tit
43. European Stonechat
44. White Wagtail
45. Stock Dove
46. Common Merganser
47. Great Crested Grebe
48. Little Grebe
49. Common Goldeneye
50. Greylag Goose
51. Mute Swan
52. Rock Dove
53. Egyptian Goose
54. Coal Tit
55. Common Kingfisher
56. Great Spotted Woodpecker
57. Red Kite
58. Mistle Thrush
59. Eurasian Nuthatch
Had a pretty good day today, seeing 41 species despite intermittent snow flurries and gusty winds. My goal was to see 40 species, so I did manage to hit my target.

The first 15 were seen at my feeders or from my yard.

‘01. Song Sparrow
‘02. Northern Cardinal
‘03. Black-capped Chickadee
‘04. American Goldfinch
‘05. Tufted Titmouse
‘06. House Sparrow
‘07. House Finch
‘08. Downy Woodpecker
‘09. Dark-eyed Junco
10. White-throated Sparrow
11. White-breasted Nuthatch
12. Carolina Chickadee
13. Sharp-shinned Hawk
14. Red-bellied Woodpecker
15. Common Raven
16. American Crow
17. Mourning Dove
18. Mallard
19. Golden-crowned Kinglet
20. Blue Jay
21. Hermit Thrush
22. Eastern Bluebird
23. Carolina Wren
24. Canada Goose
25. Red-shouldered Hawk
26. Great Blue Heron
27. Common Merganser
28. Hooded Merganser
29. Surf Scoter
30. Bald Eagle
31. Bufflehead
32. Belted Kingfisher
33. Ring-necked Duck
34. Rock Pigeon
35. American Kestrel
36. Turkey Vulture
37. Red-tailed Hawk
38. Black Vulture
39. European Starling
40. Northern Mockingbird
41. Brown Creeper

The scoter is a rare bird in my area, so it was nice to start the year with such a rarity.

Took a short walk during lunch around the fields near home in the UK, ended up with 5 year ticks, including a Water Rail, which was a nice surprise. I don't often see them around here.

61. Eurasian Skylark
62. Meadow Pipit
63. Common Chiffchaff
64. Water Rail
65. Goldcrest
(Late start to the year due to work, only birded a bit around my house)
1. Muscovy Duck
2. Mottled Duck
3. Rock Pigeon
4. Eurasian Collared-Dove
5. Mourning Dove
6. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
7. Common Gallinule
8. American Coot
9. White Ibis
10. Little Blue Heron
11. Green Heron
12. Great Egret
13. Black Vulture
14. Turkey Vulture
15. Osprey
16. Blue Jay
17. Fish Crow
18. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
19. European Starling
20. Northern Mockingbird
21. House Sparrow
22. Palm Sparrow
A cold and windy start to the year means I haven't gotten out birding yet, and somehow only five birds so far.

1. House Sparrow
2. Rock Pigeon
3. European Starling
4. American Kestrel
5. Canada Goose
Filled in some more gaps after a good walk around some nearby fields.

66. Grey Wagtail
67. Yellowhammer
68. Redpoll
69. Eurasian Siskin
70. Northern Raven
71. European Greenfinch
I picked up five new birds this morning. If this anticipated blizzard arrives tomorrow (projected to be the worst in several years), it may be awhile before I add anything to my Year List, unless something interesting shows up at my feeder.

42. American Tree Sparrow
43. Swamp Sparrow
44. Northern Flicker
45. Myrtle Warbler
46. Hairy Woodpecker

Last edited:
(Day to Central Florida turned into a Century Day)
23. Wild Turkey
24. Anhinga
25. Bald Eagle
26. Red-tailed Hawk
27. American Robin
28. Boat-tailed Grackle
29. Ring-necked Duck
30. Double-crested Cormorant
31. Crested Caracara
32. Common Grackle
33. Blue-winged Teal
34. Northern Shoveler
35. Gadwall
36. Eurasian Wigeon
37. American Wigeon
38. Northern Pintail
39. Green-winged Teal
40. Redhead
41. Hooded Merganser
42. Red-breasted Merganser
43. Common Ground Dove
44. Clapper Rail
45. Sora
46. Black-bellied Plover
47. Killdeer
48. Long-billed Dowitcher
49. Wilson's Snipe
50. Lesser Yellowlegs
51. Greater Yellowlegs
52. Stilt Sandpiper
53. Dunlin
54. Least Sandpiper
55. Bonaparte's Gull
56. Laughing Gull
57. Ring-billed Gull
58. American Herring Gull
59. Great Black-backed Gull
60. Lesser Black-backed Gull
61. Black Skimmer
62. Caspian Tern
63. Forster's Tern
64. Pied-billed Grebe
65. Wood Stork
66. Glossy Ibis
67. Roseate Spoonbill
68. Tricolored Heron
69. Reddish Egret
70. Snowy Egret
71. Great Blue Heron
72. American White Pelican
73. Brown Pelican
74. Northern Harrier
75. Belted Kingfisher
76. Red-bellied Woodpecker
77. Pileated Woodpecker
78. Northern Flicker
79. American Kestrel
80. Eastern Phoebe
81. Tree Swallow
82. Common Yellowthroat
83. Yellow-rumped Warbler
84. American Flamingo
85. Western Cattle-Egret
86. Red-shouldered Hawk
87. Downy Woodpecker
88. Florida Scrub-Jay
89. Gray Catbird
90. Northern Cardinal
91. Black Scoter
92. Bufflehead
93. Willet
94. Sanderling
95. Sandwich Tern
96. Royal Tern
97. Horned Grebe
98. Common Loon
99. Egyptian Goose
100. Lesser Scaup
101. Common Goldeneye
102. Limpkin
103. Loggerhead Shrike
104. Northern House Wren
105. Savannah Sparrow
106. Red-winged Blackbird
Managed to get out this morning before the approaching blizzard, and added one new bird to the Year List.

47. American Robin

Even though this is an abundant bird in the spring, summer, and fall, it’s pretty rare here in the winter, so it’s always exciting to find one in January.

Got out for a bit of birding in the early stages of the snowstorm:

6. American Goldfinch
7. Brown Creeper
8. Carolina Chickadee
9. Blue Jay
10. American Crow
11. Common Goldeneye
12. Bufflehead
13. Red-bellied Woodpecker
14. Hairy Woodpecker
15. Mallard
16. Northern Cardinal
17. Horned Lark
18. Red-tailed Hawk
19. Downy Woodpecker
20. Ring-billed Gull
21. Carolina Wren
22. Song Sparrow
(Casual birding around South Miami and Everglades)
107. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
108. White-eyed Vireo
109. Black-and-white Warbler
110. American Redstart
111. Pine Warbler
112. Indian Peafowl
113. Short-tailed Hawk
114. Canvasback
115. Ruddy Duck
116. Merlin
117. Great Crested Flycatcher
118. Eastern Meadowlark
119. White-tailed Kite
120. Sharp-shinned Hawk
121. Swainson's Hawk
A short walk along the coast in Gijon today netted 12 more:

73. Yellow-legged Gull
74. Western Cattle Egret
75. Spotless Starling
76. Little Egret
77. Mediterranean Gull
78. Ruddy Turnstone
79. Black Redstart
80. Northern Gannet
81. Purple Sandpiper
82. European Shag
83. Common Gull
84. Mandarin Duck
Some more over the past few days, most of them from birding this morning in the snow.

23. American Pipit
24. Lapland Longspur
25. Mourning Dove
26. Dark-eyed Junco
27. House Finch
28. White-throated Sparrow
29. Great Blue Heron
30. Bald Eagle
31. White-breasted Nuthatch
32. American Robin
33. Yellow-rumped Warbler
34. Golden-crowned Kinglet
35. Hooded Merganser
36. Gadwall
37. Northern Flicker
38. Lesser Scaup
39. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
40. Tufted Titmouse
41. Black Vulture
42. Common Grackle
Hey everybody. Happy New Year!

I banged myself up in a bicycle accident in Amsterdam, so have not been able to leave the house too much.

So, off to a slow start...

January 3-5
1 Canada Goose
2 Rock Pigeon
3 Red-bellied Woodpecker
4 Blue Jay
5 American Crow
6 White-breasted Nuthatch
7 Carolina Wren
8 European Starling
9 Northern Mockingbird
10 American Robin
11 House Sparrow
12 House Finch
13 Northern Cardinal

Latest lifer: #1076 - Bohemian Waxwing (Anders and Christiane Cabin, Kvam, Norway)
Hey everybody. Happy New Year!

I banged myself up in a bicycle accident in Amsterdam, so have not been able to leave the house too much.

So, off to a slow start...

January 3-5
1 Canada Goose
2 Rock Pigeon
3 Red-bellied Woodpecker
4 Blue Jay
5 American Crow
6 White-breasted Nuthatch
7 Carolina Wren
8 European Starling
9 Northern Mockingbird
10 American Robin
11 House Sparrow
12 House Finch
13 Northern Cardinal

Latest lifer: #1076 - Bohemian Waxwing (Anders and Christiane Cabin, Kvam, Norway)

Awesome birds for Amsterdam!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

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