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How's Your 2025 List Going? (3 Viewers)

(Morning guiding the entrance of Everglades National Park)
124. Lesser Nighthawk
125. King Rail
126. Least Bittern
127. American Crow
128. Sedge Wren
129. Swamp Sparrow
130. Sandhill Crane
131. Yellow-crowned Night Heron
132. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
133. Northern Rough-winged Swallow
134. Barn Swallow
135. Scaly-breasted Munia
136. Grasshopper Sparrow
137. Clay-colored Sparrow
138. Eastern Towhee
139. Cape May Warbler
140. Prairie Warbler
141. Indigo Bunting
142. Painted Bunting
143. Tropical Kingbird
144. Vermilion Fkycatcher
145. Common Myna
146. Monk Parakeet
A few more today at Ribadesella and Villaviciosa in Asturias.

85. Common Firecrest
86. Common Sandpiper
87. Ring-billed Gull
88. Western Marsh Harrier
89. Peregrine Falcon
90. Eurasian Blackcap
91. Cetti's Warbler
92. Common Greenshank
93. Dunlin
94. Eurasian Spoonbill
95. Osprey
96. Iberian Grey Shrike
97. Common Snipe
98. Zitting Cisticola
Three new birds this morning.

50. American Black Duck
51. Red-winged Blackbird
52. White-crowned Sparrow

Within the last week we got over a foot of snow, which makes birding difficult. The deep snow makes it hard to walk in the woods or on trails, so I’m basically birding from the roads at this point.

A nice group of new birds today:

44. Northern Mockingbird
45. Eastern Bluebird
46. Pileated Woodpecker
47. Ruddy Duck
48. Red-shouldered Hawk
49. Purple Finch
50. Eastern Meadowlark
51. Savannah Sparrow
52. Northern Harrier
53. American Black Duck
54. American Tree Sparrow

I'm especially happy to have gotten the Purple Finch this early, it feels like I always have an inordinate amount of trouble finding one.
(Casual birding in Miami)
146. Monk Parakeet
147. Blue-headed Vireo
148. Northern Parula
149. Yellow-throated Warbler
150. Blue-and-yellow Macaw

(Successful full-day trip to Central Florida)
151. Black-crowned Night-Heron
152. Northern Bobwhite
153. Red-headed Woodpecker
154. Carolina Chickadee
155. Tufted Titmouse
156. Carolina Wren
157. Eastern Bluebird
158. House Finch
159. Pine Siskin [Florida Lifer]
160. American Goldfinch
161. Chipping Sparrow
162. Scott's Oriole [LIFER]
163. Orange-crowned Warbler
164. Mallard
165. Whooping Crane [LIFER]
166. Ruby-crowned Parakeet
167. Nanday Parakeet
I like seeing the lists and guessing where y'all are from. Expectedly slow start here, as I've got a 3 month-old in tow who hates the carrier, so I have to stick to nearby paved trails in the stroller. Most recently...
62. Ladder-backed woodpecker
63. Hermit thrush
64. Lincoln's sparrow
65. Harris's sparrow
66. Common raven (2-mile radius patch bird #202!)
67. Common grackle
68. Brown thrasher
69. Cooper's hawk

Big cold front blowing in the next few days. Hopefully the end of the week brings in a new suite of birds.
Today was cold and windy, and my local lake is frozen, but a couple nice year birds from the car:

55. Wild Turkey
56. Red-headed Woodpecker
(Guiding around Everglades National Park and urban Miami)
168. American Barn Owl
169. Cedar Waxwing
170. Dickcissel
171. Yellow Warbler
172. Purple Gallinule
173. Marsh Wren
174. Louisiana Waterthrush
175. Northern Waterthrush
176. Brown-headed Nuthatch
177. Short-billed Dowitcher
178. Red-masked Parakeet
179. Burrowing Owl
Yesterday added

163. Stripe-throated Hermit
164. Bronzy Hermit
165. Collared Trogon
166. Broad-billed Motmot
167. Thicket Antpitta
168. White-ruffed Manakin
169. Tropical Parula
170. Wilson's Warbler
171. Hepatic Tanager
A certainly strange and heartbreaking start to the year with the fires here in LA. Things are beginning to get back to semi-normal in the Pasadena area, though half of our neighborhood has evaporated completely into smoke, literally. My kid's school, friends' homes, some of our favorite restaurants and shops we regular, all gone - not to mention countless trails in the San Gabriel Mountains that I bird regularly from usual access in Altadena. We were very lucky for our house to not fall victim as well.

Birds from home/neighborhood, Jan 1st and 2nd:
1. California Scrub-Jay
2. House Sparrow
3. Yellow-rumped Warbler
4. Allen's Hummingbird
5. Acorn Woodpecker
6. Nuttall's Woodpecker
7. Red-crowned Parrot
8. Yellow-headed Parrot
9. American Crow
10. Common Raven
11. Western Bluebird
12. Cedar Waxwing
13. House Finch
14. California Towhee
15. Western Gull
16. Black Phoebe
17. European Starling
18. Rock Pigeon

January 2nd, short walk around Peck Rd Park to see what turned up:
19. Canada Goose
20. Mallard
21. American Coot
22. Western Grebe
23. Double-crested Cormorant
24. California Gull
25. Pied-billed Grebe
26. Spotted Sandpiper
27. Song Sparrow
28. Common Yellowthroat
29. Turkey Vulture
30. Bushtit
31. American Goldfinch
32. Great Egret
33. Phainopepla
34. Anna's Hummingbird
35. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
36. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
37. Northern Mockingbird
38. White-crowned Sparrow
39. Great Blue Heron
40. Lesser Goldfinch
41. Western Meadowlark

More from the neighborhood, early Jan:
42. Mourning Dove
43. White-breasted Nuthatch
44. Bewick's Wren
45. Dark-eyed Junco
46. Band-tailed Pigeon
47. Orange-crowned Warbler
48. Eurasian Collared-Dove
49. Cooper's Hawk
50. Red-whiskered Bulbul

January 5th LA CBC, covering Playa del Rey area:
51. Rose-ringed Parakeet
52. Snowy Egret
53. Lesser Scaup
54. Bufflehead
55. Willet
56. Marbled Godwit
57. Belted Kingfisher
58. Barn Swallow
59. Gadwall
60. American Wigeon
61. Black-necked Stilt
62. Long-billed Dowitcher
63. Ruddy Duck
64. Cinnamon Teal
65. Townsend's Warbler
66. Greater Yellowlegs
67. Green-winged Teal
68. Least Sandpiper
69. Blue-winged Teal
70. Red-tailed Hawk
71. Redhead
72. Long-billed Curlew
73. Osprey
74. Red-winged Blackbird
75. American Pipit
76. Cassin's Kingbird
77. American Kestrel
78. Eared Grebe
79. Northern Shoveler
80. Black-bellied Plover
81. Whimbrel
82. Savannah Sparrow
83. Say's Phoebe
84. Royal Tern
85. Brown Pelican
86. Black-crowned Night Heron
87. Common Loon
88. Horned Grebe
89. Surf Scoter
90. Sanderling
91. Brandt's Cormorant
92. Black Oystercatcher
93. Heermann's Gull
94. Black Turnstone
95. Ring-billed Gull
96. Glaucous-winged Gull
97. Northern House Wren
98. Killdeer
99. Western Sandpiper
100. Semipalmated Plover

Post fire, back in the neighborhood mid-Jan:
101. Red-shouldered Hawk
102. American Barn Owl

And beginning my New Year's resolution effort last week to attempt at least one year bird or county year bird each and every day:
103. Indian Peafowl
104. Scaly-breasted Munia
105. White-throated Swift
106. Lincoln's Sparrow
107. Mitred Parakeet
108. American Avocet
109. Northern Pintail
110. White-faced Ibis (my shamefully-late last bird of 2024, happy to get this in January this time around)

Wishing everyone a safe January, as even more fires pop off today in LA County...
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Happy New Year! Assuming you meant Palm Warbler? Did a double-take with the proposed re-name of Bachman's Sparrow as Palmetto Sparrow 🤡
Happy New Year! I did mean Palm Warbler, not sure why I ended with Palm Sparrow, unless I copy-and-pasted by accident
6 more today in Aviles and beyond. Dodging the wind and rain a bit, so I missed some hoped for species.

111. Common Scoter
112. Horned Grebe
113. Grey Plover
114. Eurasian Whimbrel
115. Red Knot
116. Sardinian Warbler
All the ponds and lakes are frozen solid in my county, so this morning I went to a neighboring county that is at a lower elevation. Most of the water is frozen there as well, but there is open water below a small dam on the Monongahela River. I added 16 species to my Year List, mostly waterfowl.

55. Greater Scaup
56. Lesser Scaup
57. Gadwall
58. Pied-billed Grebe
59. Northern Shoveler
60. Common Goldeneye
61. Canvasback
62. Redhead
63. Ruddy Duck
64. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
65. Tundra Swan
66. American Herring Gull
67. Ring-billed Gull
68. Wood Duck
69. Northern Pintail
70. Horned Grebe

(Foiled by a nemesis bird, but still a good day of birding)
180. White-winged Dove
181. Gray-headed Swamphen
182. Spotted Sandpiper
183. Purple Martin
184. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
185. Fulvous Whistling-Duck
186. Snail Kite
187. Western Kingbird

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